Chapter 40

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A zillion and ten thoughts had crossed since morning, different ways to approach them and speak to them, but the nagging fear and worry, nibbled at her.

Moving from one feet to another, she gazed at the study door ahead of her.

Hesitancy sunk it's claws in, should she? What would they think if her? What if they too certified she was crazy?

She knew they were excellent people, that they really cared for her, that they wouldn't judge, but the nagging insecurities were insistent.

Weaving a tale of horrorndrous scenarios.

Shaking her head, she pushed down the anxieties.

Everything will be fine, everything will be.

It was a constant mantra on her mind, easing it, assuring herself.

Before she lost the strength, she knocked on the door.

Her breathing coming in short pants, fidgetting, she awaited. 

Though it hardly took a second, she could almost feel the time crawl by. Making her heart hammer in her chest.

A feeling of restlessness, and suffocation, coiling within her.

"Come in." It was Nakul's voice, that reverberated through the door, breathing in deeply, she pushed it open.

The air around her seemed to tighten with pressure, making her heart clench.

Trust them.

A part of her whispered.

Stilling her palpitating heart, she crossed the doorway.

Taking careful steps in, she shut the door.


Her conscious snapped, making her heart clench, yes she was. She was buying time more than anything else.

Turning around, she gulped, her throat dry, she walked in.

The five stood facing away from her, they were bent over a huge oak table, that had various maps spread over it.

Neither of them looked up, pointing and continuing their discussion.

"This much sadness? What's got you worried dear?" It was Bheem, who spoke, his eyes hadn't left the maps, as he moved a little marking to another side.

A confused frown made it's way to on her beautiful face.

How did he know? He didn't even look up once. She wondered, ceasing her fidgetting movements.

"How?" Confusion tinged her tone, Bheem's lips spread in a soft smile.

"A little birdie told me that's how." He teased, humor tainting his words.

When she just continued to frown, gazing at the floor, Arjun sighed heavily.

"The sound of your anklets, that's how he knew." The third son of Kunti replied, turning another leaf of the map.

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