Chapter 31

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Sehdev jolted awake, his heart was hammering hard against his chest, making it almost knock out of it.

His breathing came in shot pants, sweat beaded his forehead. Gazing around frantically, his eyes fell on Draupadi, who lay beside him, his four brothers, laying randomly around the bed.

It was a dream,  he assured himself, just a dream.

Horrific images of blood pouring out of her lips, had his heart going in another haze of crazy galloping.

She's fine, she's fine.

He repeated over and over again, trying to calm his heart, that just wouldn't listen.

The restlessness that snaked in his heart, wouldn't let him calm down.

He hadn't even noticed the stiffness in his muscles, taking a deep breath, he pushed back the images in his mind.

The nightmare had been so real, it was almost like he was living a reality rather than a dream.

"She's fine, she's fine. She's here with me. Drau is fine." His voice wobbled, the acidic burn in throat, had him swallowing harshly.

His gazes fleeted at her sleeping form, twilight kissed her soft skin, she slept peacefully, unaware of the world around.

Warmth flooded his heart, he couldn't put I words the peace he felt just seeing her sleep.

Knowing that she was fine, gave him a calmness that he couldn't put in words.

He didn't know why he felt this, it was almost like she had weaved herself in his soul.

Her joy gave him joy, her pain had him agonised, and the thought of losing her filled her with a dread that he couldn't even put in words.

Fear that intense, he had never felt in his life. He had felt it when he was in that dream, never had he thought agony like that was possible.

It was like, someone was slowly sucking the life out of him, a very slow death, where you could feel every cell of your body die.

Where every piece of your soul, slowly crippled and crumbled into so many fine fragments, that with just one touch everything would shatter.

The void that had settled in him in that one moment, was atrocious, he had never experienced something so revolting.

In that one moment he had experienced complete shutdown, where there was flame of life pulsing in him, seeing her die, it had completely extinguished.

It was just gone. Never to be seen ever again.

Faded in a vortex of nothingness, with her each drop, his soul had bled into nothingness.

His heart had faded into oblivion. A coldness had seeped in him, icing over every warm emotion, freezing last of the will to live.

A living dead would probably be the accurate word to describe it.

His vision blurred, wetness trekking down his cheek.

He reached out, tracing her cheek, the velvety feel of her skin, the familiar warmth, soothed his heart like non other.

His eyes rufusing to look away, an illogical fear had anchored itself in him.

He dread that if he averted his gaze away from her, even for a millisecond, she might just disappear.

And that thought terrified him more than anything before.

Fear for him was new, he never experienced that before. Being a warrior had him immune to many things, it wouldn't  be wrong to say that he had almost become immune to most things.

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