Chapter 46

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Kunti gazes settled on Panchaali, and the twins who were walking back to their room.

"Jiji, she is returning to her room, now it is time we play our part." Whispered the mother of the crowned prince, excitement lacing her words.

Gandhari giggled, "This is all so exciting. It feels like we are young once again."

"I know jiji. With kids, our responsibilities and the happenings, life had been so monotonous and stressful." Sighed the wife of Pandu, shoulders slouching as though the weight of the world rested on them.

Gandhari nodded, giving her shoulder an understanding pat.

After all, who knew better than her being the queen, throne didn't come with only the glamor, but also neck breaking responsibilities of people.

"Come on, let's go." Gandhari urged, snapping out of gloomy thoughts, the two nodded, stepping out from behind magnanimous pillars of the palace, and walked out.

"Putri." Kunti's voice had Draupadi and her husbands turning.

"Mata." Broad grins lit the faces of the trio. Joy sparked in their eyes like it was god, who had descended over earth, and not their mother.

Kunti's heart melted, as it did everytime, she saw her children.

Unsurpasseable love and joy, which she saw in the eyes of children, everytime she met them, made all the hardships that she had been through worth it.

She would go through hell, if it meant that they were the reward at the end of it.

The fruit of her penance, that her life had been.

Her only regret, letting her first born go. Her throat tightened, the familiar punch of regret, sending a heart numbing pain through her.

Forcing the dark thoughts down, she forced a smile on her face.

Now was not the time.

"Mata." The twins chorused wrapping their arms around their mother, hugging her fiercely.

"You both are treating her as though you are meeting after ages." Laughter rang through the words of Gandhari along with love, the excitement of the sons of Madri was palpable through their words.

"Jyest mata!" They said with matching excitement, embracing Gandhari fiercely, who giggled.

Pulling back, they grinned broadly.

"A second without mata feels like a century, and we spent an entire night without her, so technically we are meeting after centuries." Nakul stated.

The wife of Gandhari awed, pulling their cheeks.

"You, pandavas are the best sons. I don't think sons like you will ever be born again, neither have been in past, nor will be in future."

"That is because, we have such amazing women like you both in our lives." Sehdev said with a soft smile, hugging Gandhari from behind in a motherly hug, and Nakul did same with Kunti.

The two giggled, cupping their cheeks. "Only us? And Draupadi?" Teased the mother of Duryodhan.

Draupadi's heart skipped a beat, as the attention shifted her. One thing, she didn't like much was attention, it made her feel like hiding somewhere.

Color flooded her cheeks, the weight of shyness had her thick lashes lowering.

"Uh..." words escaped the twins, yes, they wanted to say. But this were the women who raised them, with whom two weren't really use to discussing their love interest.

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