Chapter 20

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Darkness filled Duryodhan's room, while he sat on his huge rocking chair. Oscillating back and forth, the motion matching the inner competition  of his thoughts.

The borders of rights and wrongs had blurred years ago. What remained now was a broken shell of a man who was struggling to hold his family together.

Mighty Duryodhan. Ha! He wanted to laugh at the title. Mighty in what sense? Making a fool of himself.

It had to be.

What else could it stand for? Mighty joke of the universe, was more like it.

That's what his life was.

Agony burned in his chest, high and bright, illuminating the dark corner of his heart that was webbed with wounds, unseen to human eyes.

He was probably the biggest joke that god had made to entertain himself.

His life surely was one.

Conceived first, but was born two years later. So, who was elder him or Yudhisthir?

On birth where children were anticipated with positivity, it was prophesied he would be the end of all.

He had a father,  mighty and loving, who too lost his rightful throne, because he was blind.

Just his luck. Parents had a rocky bond with each other. Uncle was too busy poisoning him against his own family.

As Duryodhan kept on recalling the facts of his life, the flame of agony took the shape of a huge fire, that threatened to burn him alive. 

He hated returning to this phase, he achieved nothing but pain. He always wanted someone to truly love him.

What hadn't he done to do that? He followed every teaching of his uncle, but no matter what he did,  it was never enough,  the sons of Pandu were always considered better.

He always remained a bully, and after a point he stopped carrying. That's when he met the two most beautiful souls of his life.

His Pauravi and Bhanumati, two women who truly loved him. And fate had again decided to snatch them away.

His soul was filled with a restless, walking towards the balcony, he rested his palms on the railing.

Screams of Pauravi still haunted him, crushing his heart with an ache so intense that words failed to summarize it.

The distant sound of anklets had his attention peaking, gazing down at the city of Hastinapur, he spoke softly.

"Can't sleep?" His voice was monotonous.  "When you are restless, how can I?" Her words were soft as usual, walking ahead, she reached behind him.

Arms wrapped around his waist, the familiar weight of her head rested on the back of his shoulder, her small figure pressed in his back.

He sighed in relief,  the tension in his body lessening. "Bhanu, it's not good for you and our baby for you to be awake till so late." He reminded, his one hand cupped the fingers that rested on his stomach.

"And it isn't for you as well Arya." She argued back playfully, making him smile. "You do know I am a grown man right?" He teased, he just couldn't help it.

With her everything seemed perfect, even in the most darkest and deary times.

"You do know, I am a grown woman." She mimicked his tone, humor sparked in his chest, as he hummed, turning in her arms.

Pulling her hard in his chest, he cupped her cheeks, his eyes gazing down at her blushing face, that looked all the more beautiful in the twilight that the moon showered on them.

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