Book 2!

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Chapter 1:

(Three Years Later)

"It is Diwali. Yet so much darkness?" Queen Veena's voice rang with confusion, walking around the palace of Hastinapur, seemed all too bizarre.

It felt like she had entered some other world, one that spoke of sadness and grief.

As though every stone in the palace of Hastinapur, mourned. But what? Or whom?

Dhara turned towards her guest, her fake smiling slipping away from her lips, the all too familiar burn sizzled in her chest, her breathing hitched.

Sadness painting her expression.

"If lighting up lamps could light up the palace the way it was three years back, I would sell my soul to do so. . ."

The slight waver in her voice didn't go unnoticed, the blaze of ache thrummed.

An image of her friend flashing in her mind.


Three years since the unfortunate night. Three years since nothing had been same. . .

"What do you mean Princess?" The title felt still all too peculiar to Dhara.

Marrying Duryodhan didn't still feel the same, nothing did.  All the happiness seemed to have just forsaken Hastinapur.

"The flame of Hastinapur's happiness was lost years ago, your highness." Mahamahim's voice broke through the heavy silence, that had been stiffling, almost making it impossible for one to breathe.

"Pranipat Mahamahim."

Bhism nodded his acknowledgement. A forlorn expression reflecting on his face.

Gazing around at Hastinapur today, crushed his heart. The place that once seemed home, now was all too foreign.

Like a bizarre nightmare, that just won't get over. Not matter how much he wanted to.

Helplessness shackled deep in his bones, and that was not something, he struggled with everything.

The queen stared at the Kuruvanshi's.

She still couldn't pin point what had changed in past three years since her last visit? What had made Hastinapur sink in such darkness?

"Mahamahim, I do not understand."

A sad movement of Bhism's lips, in an upward curve was all the answer she received.

"Three years back we lost our daughter in law."

"Pandavas' Panchaali?" Asked the queen, she had heard all about the unfortunate event.

It was tragic.

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