Chapter 51

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Annoyance pumped through her veins, walking down in her haze of anger. How mean was that? Like seriously?

What had she done to warrant that behavior? She mentally huffed. They say women are impossible to understand, but what about men?

She didn't understand her husbands behavior today. It wasn't warranted at all.

She grumbled, huffing at the How unjust it all seemed. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't take the note of the direction she was taking in.

Turning a left, maybe a right next, oh wait! It was a left, now that she thought about it.

No, no, it had to be a right. Wait, if it was a right? Was she sure it was just one it had taken? Or were they three?

But did that really matter? No right. She could find her way back, she assured herself.

No, one gets lost in their own home. She just needed to walk straight or something.

She assured herself, come on Drau. You can do this. And walked ahead, and than a right, and maybe a left again.

After walking like what felt like forever, Draupadi. "Today is so not my day! Why do every problem have to come one after another?" She whined.

No one gets lost in their home? She mentally taunted herself. Seems like you have done the impossible again, you have got lost in your own home.

Her conscious teased her. She huffed.

She had been so busy zinging through the palace, with just one thing in mind. To get away from everything for awhile.

Desperately needing to calm the see of fury, that stormed in her, havocing her peace of mind.

The darkening hallways, and dim glow of lanterns had her gazing around.

A loud thunderous roar of a man bounced of the walls, jolting her in terror.

A beast.

Her mind screamed for her to run, icy tentacles of fear freezing her internals.

The long unfamiliar deserted corridors, made her wonder where she really was.

Adrenaline pumped through her veins, making her hyper aware of things around.

The howling of wind, had goosebumps breaking throughout her body. With all the weird sounds that the breeze made, it wasn't really helping her situation.

It sparkled a fear deep in her chest.

The rustling on her left, had her halting. What could it be? She wondered, a wheezing on her right, had her head snapping towards it.

But there was nothing. Just, empty, lonely hallways. And no one.

Rapid thundering of her heart, and her blood flow was the only thing she could hear.

She lifted her leg, moving ahead. Trying to be as confident as possible. Her heart quivering hard.

Steeling her nerves, she turned her head. But all she could she was flickering flames, lighting a long abandoned hallway.

Threatening to submerge it in darkness.

The place seemed like it had been years, since anyone ever stepped here.

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