Chapter 42

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Yudhisthir's heart pummeled with dread, years of training kicked in.

Terror spearing his movements faster.

It was fastest he had run in his life, dodging and jumping over the furniture, he wrapped his hand on her wrist.

Tugging her sharply.

A surprised scream left his wife's lips, slamming hard against his firm muscled chest.

His arms instinctively wrapping around her petite frame, pulling her harder against himself.


Relief and dread tangled in his words, creating a poisonous broth of emotions.

Burning him from within.

Had he been even a second late. . .

The thought sparked a dread so deep, that breathing seemed an impossible task.

He almost lost her. . .

He almost lost her. . .

The thought spun in his mind in a deadly circle, blazing an ache in his chest.

Pressing his nose in her hair, breathing in her soothing fragrance, he tried to calm his palpitating heart.

A lone tear tracking down his cheek.

What if he hadn't reached on time?

He shook his head, refusing to even think about it.

"Drau." He heard his brothers' panicked voices, they surrounded him. Dread masked their expression.

Lightening the haze of terror that had fallen over him.

Never in his life he had ever seen his brothers this scared, and he was pretty sure his expressions matched theirs.

The protective and fatherly instinct towards his brothers, forced him to push his pains down.

Their pain, their fear, always came before his. Seeing them in such dread, had his protective instinct of an elder brother kindling, he wanted to wipe those expressions off.

The terror that he had felt in that one millisecond, was unlike anything before, nearly paralyzing him.

Nearly ceasing his heart mid beat. Words had escaped his mind, as he tried to assure himself that she was fine.

That he had inturn reached to her in time, that she was safe. The pulsing agony in his chest eased, dread losing its clutch over the beating organ.

Pressing his lips to her forehead, he breathed in her natural scent, calming his senses.

She's fine.

It was a mantra, that constantly played in his mind.

"You okay?" He found his voice once again, after what seemed like forever. Cupping her cheeks in his calloused hands he voiced his concern.

"Yes, I am good. Arya? What happened?" Confusion weaved every word that left her mouth , concern bubbling in her, noticing  fear in his eyes.

He just shook his head, unable to speak. The relief was too great, and she?

Too precious.

Ease flooded the systems of the pandavas, gazing at their wife.

Barely holding back the instinct to crush her in an embrace.

Yudhisthir stepped back, seeing the need in his brothers' eyes, to hold her.

To assure themselves.

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