Chapter 26

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Pauravi smirked, her eyes focused at the scene ahead of her. Now, this is where the fun shall begin.

Amusement sparkled in her, gazing at all the bhrahmins and Bhism.

She sneered, that old man had been nothing but bane of her life.  The one who had opposed her and Duryodhan's wedding so strongly,  so far as going as threatening them with exile.

Had it not been for Mamashree Shakuni and his sharp mind, they would have been out of this kingdom.

And today? When that woman had married five men he had kept a grand feast for Bhrahmins?

If Panchaali didn't choose to marry five out for fun, she didn't chose to get raped either, than why was she and her husband threatened with an exile?

While Pandavas and their wife just had a court summoning.  What made her impure and this Draupadi so pure?

Agony rose in her heart.

She was a bride too, she had entered this palace with many expectations and hopes too be finally accepted.

And what had she received?!

The tag of a whore.

For getting raped.

She didn't choose it!

Fisting her hands she glared ahead. Her jaw set. The flames of fury had her inner soul burning.

Blurring the sense of righteousness and wrong. The storm of emotions,  that havoced in her today made it impossible for her to think straight.

Gazing at Bhism, she smirked. Today, was a punishment for him too. With one stone she'll kill two birds today.

Bhism, you are proud aren't you?  Too proud of this Hastinapur,  and it's ruling, too proud of your family's reputation, and it's history.

But today, on the name of this royal family, and it's oh so perfect glamour,  that you strength so proud of would!

In front of your eyes, it would be tainted, when this Bhrahmins will walk out of this royal palace hungry.

Cursing this palace, and your family.  Yours and this family's honor would be in pieces. You wanted to remove me?! Just see, how I'll strip you off your fake and empty pride.

She mentally sneered the words at him, glaring at his smiling figure, who was talking proudly to every guest.

His smiling face pricked thorns in her heart.

Sitting behind the golden veil between the males, and the females, Pauravi cursed him, royal women shouldn't be seen to everyone.

Stupid customs, the veil was proving to be an annoyance to her,  she wanted to tear it away. 

A smile appeared on her face however when she gazed at the Princess of Panchaal. Poor woman, why did she have to enter this palace?

She would have been spared off all this drama.

Panchaali stood there fidgeting,  where she appeared strong and confident,  her fidgeting hands told Pauravi all that she needed to know.

Guilt nicked at her soul, she pushed it down.

No, she wouldn't feel guilty. This woman had dared to take her place.

This woman was getting all that she hadn't. 

There was only one most beautiful woman, and that was she!  Not some ridiculous princess of Panchaal.

Hastinapur's most beautiful bride to ever grace this place, shall forever be her, not some good for nothing princess of Panchaal. 

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