Chapter 24

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"Why are you so slient today jiji?" Asked Bhanumati, walking in their room,  gazing at Pauravi with concern brimming in her eyes.

"Last night, she entered our home." Pauravi's whispered voice had her back straightening.  "Jiji let her be. What wrong has she done?" She begged looking at her sister, she feared that someday she'll lose her too.

"What wrong had I done?" Snapped Pauravi glaring at her sister, her eyes burning with rage. Bhanumati stumbled back, the intensity of sheer rage, knocking her breath away.

"You need to calm down." Suggested the younger sister, rushing to the nearby table that held the water jug, with a hurried motion, she filled the glass bringing it back to her sister.

Gazing at the glass, and back at her face, Pauravi reached for the water. Picking it up, and drinking it.

Bhanumati watched her sister. Worry marring her features. "What have you planned?" She asked timidly, gazing at her sister with caution.

"Tomorrow for the first time, she by our customs had to cook something. And I have made the preparations of making it a hell." Stated Pauravi,  a sigh of relief passed through Bhanumati's lips, by her rage she had expected her sister to kill the poor girl.

But spoiling her first meal, didn't seem so bad. At least she wasn't killing her, she could help the girl.

Gazing at her sister, Bhanumati smiled, "Oh is that so? What are you actually gonna do?" She asked, curious.

"Nothing." She stated, smiling evilly, Bhanumati flowed, "pardon? Nothing?" She asked, looking at her sister, like she had lost a screw or two.

"Yes, nothing. I or, no one is going to do anything. No helping, or guiding her around. I would love to see, how will she cook without the primary ingredients of every dish in kitchen." She revealed making Bhanumati nearly chock on the water she drank.

"Jiji, Pitahmah will be very furious,  he has invited some Bhramins. Please don't do this, if the Bhramins went away hungry, they will curse our family." Bhanumati begged, the respect of their family was on line here.

What she was doing is complete insanity. "Oh come on Bhanu, you believe in curses? If so was true, I cursed my father everyday. Why didn't he die right instant?" She snapped,  shutting her sister up.

Pauravi grinned looking at the setting moon,tomorrow's sun will rise for Draupadi's doom, she will be out of Hastinapur faster than one can blink. . .



he distant chirruping of the birds, and the cool morning wind that fluttered in her room, greeted her. The breeze played with her hair, it's cool soothing caress kissing her cheeks like an old lover's lips.

Yawning, and stretching, she wondered why did mornings come so early? Why couldn't they wait a bit?

She wanted to sleep more, but her duties called her. She sighed, missing her maiden house, sleep all you want, awake when you wish. Eat the way you wish, and no worries if understanding any men.

How simple were her days? And where had they fluttered away? Sighing in longing she pushed herself to wake up.

Be graceful, be beautiful.  But, yawning as a cat, and stretching like one, sure in heaven didn't feel beautiful. 

Chuckling at her ridiculous thoughts,  she navigated her way around her room. Her gaze finally settling on her trunks, that rested in a corner out of the way.

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