Chapter 43

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Aura's zinged, weaving a shield around the youngest born of Pandu.

Fury blazed, the hammer clashed hard against the pulsing golden shield, turning dust.

Well that was too easy. Sehdev wondered skeptical of his surroundings, a place this powerful, and attacks, so punny?

Things were adding up, something was amiss here.

And just like that, everything was once again silent, like nothing ever happened. A curtain of quietness falling over the place.

No trace of any hammer, or the one who threw it.

Just silence.  Hollowness.

"What is this place?" He whispered, more to himself, following the thick, deep red coppery liquid, that surrounded the alter.

The sounds of his boots were the only thing he could hear. That echoed like someone had dropped a bomb.

Piercing the glass of quietness.

Heaviness settled in the pit of his stomach. The rivulets of scarlet whispering a tale of someone's demise.

What if Bhanumati and Pauravi. . .

He shook his head, blocking the thought out, no news is a good news. Reminding himself he walked ahead, navigating around the alter.

Cloth dolls and twirling wooden figures hung over the place, rotating and twirling naturally.

Sloshing sound of the sticky scarlet liquid, weaved a symphony of horror, with his each step.

A number of books, with heavy leather covers sat on the alter, disgust crunched in his stomach, noticing rotten human fingers and toes.

Glasses holding blood, as a red fire sat proudly in the center of the alter.

Sehdev's brows raised, noticing the figure that stood in the corner.

Squinting his eyes, he moved forward. "Who are you?" He called, his voice ringing with a confidence.

"Daring to enter my place, and asking me who I am? You surely are a fool." Distorted voice greeted him, realisation hit the youngest pandav, as he recalled the description that Dhara gave them.

In the world energies and auras, the figures screamed of death and demise, of evil and wickedness.

This person was evil, not a tinge of golden or white.

Nervousness clutched his stomach, but he carefully kept his face blank.

The figure seemed to materialise out of nowhere, almost as if he was a part of the darkness.

Molding and fluxing with it.

As though the inky blackness was him, and he was the pitch darkness, all one.

Almost merging with it, he was a separate being, at the same time not at all.

Fillet of wickedness hued around them, similar to the darker rays of an ebony sun. That instead of life spread death.

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