Chapter 11

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"Panchaali." He called,  making the four turn around, and gaze at her. His heart clutched, as he saw her fingers tremble. "Please come here." He called out softly, his voice a sharp contrast to the earlier commanding tone.

The sound of her anklets tinkling filled the air, as she walked towards him. "Are...are about to be arrested?" Her voice was timid, he hated hearing the tinge of fear in her words.

"Maybe. But I want you to calm down. Be strong." He whispered, gazing at his brothers, sadness blanketed the air, a heaviness settled on their heart.

Once they are arrested, they'll be incapable of protecting her.  And living her unprotected in the palace of Hastinapur,  was never a wise choice.

They recalled all the praises, all the rumors and facts,  the lores of the beautiful princess of Panchaal. The most beautiful in the world.

The songs that were made on her beauty,  that spread all the Aryavart. Living her unguarded was as good as giving her to predators himself.

Specifically in Hastinapur,  their murder was planned here at multiple occasions, and politics weaved every decision that one made, no matter how insignificant. 

Their enemies were everywhere,  a bitter truth, that they were in this palace too. Only god knew what they would do to Panchaali.

Thoughts raced in their minds,  as for the first time fear dominated their sense. Fear for not themselves, but for the girl in front of them.

She was innocent, and they feared, that too reach out to them, their enemies would hurt her.

"Panchaali, I think it is better if you move back to Panchaal." Arjun began, his words heavy with a sadness that he couldn't explain.

Her heart shuttered, as her head snapped up, gazing at the man, like he had told her to behead an innocent.

Shock froze her system, her throat tightened. As terror clawed her chest.

  "We aren't really sure, what will happen ahead. And with us behind bars, there will be no one to protect you. We have a lot of enemies Panchaali, and sadly some are family. To take revenge on us, they can hurt you. We can't let that happen." He continued on, his voice reverberating with a bone deep sadness.

She blinked back tears, shaking her head negatively. She backed away, "I am not leaving. I had promised to be with you all through good and bad times, are you asking me to break my promise?" Her voice was thick with emotions.

The pandavas watched each other conflicted. "Panchaali, we had sworn to protect you. Let us keep our promise." Voiced Bheem, his voice missing the usual mirth.

Fury and sadness tangled in his chest, creating a burning sensation in his chest. "You had also promised to always guide me on the path of righteousness, by asking me to break my promise, aren't you misleading me?" She asked, her voice soft, like a wind's whisper.

But they heard it. All too well. They heard what she had said, and what she hadn't spoken. They heard her agony, no matter how much they tried, one way or another, tears always managed to find their ways to her.

This was the second night in Hastinapur,  second where she was once again crying. Sahadev was about to say something, but Yudhisthir stopped him, with a shake of his head.

A mix of happiness, and sadness, along with fear tangled in his chest. "Panchaali. . ." His words were cut off, as they heard her whimper, "Please..." The brokeness of her voice, had their hands clenching.

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