Chapter 29

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"Earth to Bhraata Bheem." Nakul called making his elder brother snap out of his memories of their cooking adventure.

"Come join us for a game." Arjun beckoned setting up dice game, "In which world were you lost in?" Yudhisthir asked Bheem, filling a glass of water for himself.

"The world of imagination where ladoos fly kheer flows like rivers." Nakul stated in a heavy voice, mimicking Bheem's deeper tone.

The others chuckled, Bheem wrapped his arm around Nakul's neck, pulling him in a headlock playfully. 

"And reasons like this is why your ass gets kicked." He teased, amusement lacing his words. "I swear right? I am awesome like that." He gave an award winning smile to Bheem, who rolled his eyes heavenward, wondering if their mother had indeed dropped him on his head.

"Where are the dices?" Arjun asked, looking through the box, "Oh the dices?" Nakul asked, just as Bheem let him go.

"The ones with the red diamonds?" Nakul inquired, "Yes, did you see them?" Arjun questioned.

"The same one we got from Manipur?" Nakul inquired further, "Yes." Bheem answered this time.

"The one that had golden plating?" He went one. "Yes. Did you see them?" Arjun asked, hope lacing his words.

"Well the one with silver lining on the top?" Nakul went on, "Yes the very same one Nakul." Arjun greeted, now frustrated. 

"Oh well those!" Nakul excited, "I saw them, where was it?" He pretend to think,  "Oh yes! No where." He began excitedly and ended in a matter of fact tone, shrugging.

"You!" Arjun roared frustrated, picking the cushion, he lunged at Nakul, who chuckled and bolted ahead, while others laughed.

"Just you wait I am so going beat your ass till it's numb!" He threatened,  running behind a chuckling Nakul,  who made two swift turns, roaring in laughter.

"Brother can one fart if their ass is numb?" Nakul blurted, his face scrunched in a confused manner, as he and Arjun ran around a pillar.

"Just asking for future reference, since your planning to make my ass numb. By the way, mind you you're a lucky guy, my butt is probably the most handsome one, and you're the first one to touch it!" Nakul  babbled, making Arjun freeze, his face scrunching up in disgust.

Bheem and Sehdev roared in laughter,  "Naughty Arjunnnn!!" The second son of a Kunti mimicked in an old woman's voice.

"Wait that sounded so wrong!" Nakul exclaimed,  realising his words. "I almost suggested incest! Haw brother I don't swing that way, I swear!" He went on, amusement lacing his words just as Arjun tackled him.

"Bromance to another level!" Sehdev added, earning another round of laughter.

"Eww just shut up Nakul. Trust me even if it's a matter of life and death, I'll still never chose you as my lover." Arjun shuddered in disgust, at the mental image. Pushing Nakul away he moved towards the bed.

While the other three were rolling in bouts of laughter, wiping the corner of their eyes, as tears streamed down. Their stomachs hurt.

"I know brother,  I know,  I am out of your league. But, hey its okay. Don't feel down, now not everyone can have a handsome stud."  Nakul said in a fake sympathetic voice, the three laughed like hyenas gasping for air.

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