Chapter 23

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Yudhisthir sat on his assigned seat, as the crowned prince. The court around him was silent today, tension hung in the air like a sharp blade.

How strange was life? The court that till yesterday wasn't even ready to hear his side, today was listening like attentive students.

His gaze fell over his uncle, Vidur was stating the grievous matter of the happenings of last night.

He could feel his brothers move around restlessly in their seats, anger was a prominent emotion among the five, everytime the matter of previous night was brought up.

"One wrong decision could lead to greater repercussions." Strong and Commanding words of Bhism rang throughout the court, his face a mask of anger while he glared at the throne.

Dhritrashtr shifted in his seat uncomfortably, he was caught in a tight position. As the king in his presence, a woman in his own palace, her dignity was risked.

Specially when the king had arrested her husbands, it was the duty of Dhritrashtr, as the elder of their family and the king to assure her safety, and he had failed miserably.

Not only that, his unfair order of arresting Pandavas was now in open. His heart thumped in nervousness, Shakuni was thrown out of the courtroom, the moment Bhism walked in, his fury had reached it's peak.

"Specially when the wrong decision is taken by the king. In my absence there has been made enough mistakes, now each and everyone of them will be rectified." His voice rang with determination, glaring around the throne room, challenging anyone to go against him.

Duryodhan was still submerged in shock, his men attempted rape? His hand fisted, the crying face of Pauravi flashed in his mind.

Impossible, he wanted to shout, but facts and evidences rested right in front of him. Biting back a growl, he sat there stone still, guilt clawing his gut.

Rape, one thing that he despised the most, and one thing that they had attempted.

"Today itself, the princess of Panchaal will be welcomed as the bride of the mighty Pandavas. And she will be given every right of that of a Kulvadhu." Ordered Bhism, his gaze straight.

"You as her husbands are incharge of her protection Pandu putron. And I order an investigation on this matter, Yudhisthir, you will lead the investigation, along with your brothers."

"You my king I suggest, need to go to Rishi Mahajan's ashram to purify this sin, of committing this wrong decision, and think on your actions." It was more of an order, than a suggestion, and Dhritrashtr knew that.

Nodding his head hurriedly, he agreed. "Yes yes Mahamahim, you are right." He stated, "The court is adjourned." Bhism dismissed the court, marching out of the place angrily, he still regretted the day the throne had fell in the hands of Dhritrashtr.

The Pandavas watched their grandfather leave, a sigh passing through their lips. Had the investigation fallen in someone else's hand, they would have never been in peace.

Smiling at each other they nodded, finally things were going well. . .


Panchaali's heart galloped in her chest, nervousness thrummed through her. Walking up the steps of the palace of Hastinapur once again, arose a new trepidation in her.

Once again she was standing at the doorstep of the palace of Hastinapur. But, this time instead of anger there was joy, everywhere.

How weird were the ways of this world? She was still the same woman, who married five men. She was still the same woman, whom everyone were calling names.

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