Chapter 8

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The royal court was filled with subjects,  the entire court was divide into two halves, unofficially.

People siding with Pandavas were on left, while ones siding with Kauravas, which was no one except but their own brothers, were on right.

Dhritrashtr sat on the majestic throne, beside him stood Sanjay. Guru Dron,  Vidur and Bhism sitting beside him, looking over at the royal court proceedings.

For hours now, accusations and reasons were given, but no conclusion had been drawn yet. The situation was just growing more confusing if anything but.

"Maharaj! If this wedding is accepted, than it will have bad repercussions on our society.  Women are already suppressed, men would now force them to be shared like a piece of cloth." Stated a subject, voicing out the concerns that many had in their heart.

"But Maharaj, the situations in which the great sons of Pandu had married the princess of Panchaal, were not favorable. Their case is unique,  as in their case, and their situation alone that was the only way out." Relaid another subject.

"How can you say that? They could have just not married her at all. None of them. The situation would have resolved." Pointed out someone from the crowd.

"But Mahamahim, a woman left on the day of her swayamvar by her betrothed,  we all know what happens to her. No man ever marries her, and our society? It won't let her live." Objected another one.

"And now you think it will let her live? With all the names that the princess is referred too, you think the people will let her survive?" Growled back the first one.

"At least now she has the Pandav brothers to protect her. And the presence of the mighty five warriors, who has the guts to humiliate the wife of the great pandavas?" The second man replied arrogantly, a smirk on his face, as he gazed around the court in challenge.

A silence fell over the room, as the pandavas though sat passively, gazed around challenging every last of them to dare and defy the statement.

To dare and speak something against their wife, they may not be sure as to how to go ahead with their relationship with them, but they had promised to guard her honor.

"The question is not the honor or disrespect of a woman. But the question is whether the step taken by the sons of Pandu, was righteous or not?" Reminded Vidur.

"In the court of Hastinapur no woman had ever been humiliated, and we are not about to start now. So kindly refrain from getting Panchaal Kumari involved." He continued on.

"The court will be taking a rest for next few hours, and we'll meet in next three hours." Dhritrashtr stated, his head was pulsing from all the words that had been fired around the court.

He had held his silence all the while, so it didn't seem like he was not happy on their arrival. And was plotting to get them all thrown out of Hastinapur.

He awaited his brother in law, who had been out with Duryodhan,  for hunting. In few hours they'll be here, and than the proceedings will begin in true sense.


Bhism walked out at the banks of river Ganga, his mind was in chaos. He really didn't know what to make of this situation.

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