Chapter 9

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P.S: Tapasya is a fictional character and so will be many others.


Duryodhan sat proudly on his throne, fear had slammed in him when he had heard about the return of his five brothers, the worry that he'll lose his throne had gawked at the pit of his stomach.

"You should not worry about anything. If the pandav brothers reveal that it was you who was behind the fire accident, and tried to kill them. Than I will take the blame." Karn stated, his face a mask of calmness,  a soft assuring smile traced his lips.

He knew by doing so, he will be putting himself at a risk, he could probably be killed. But he didn't care, Duryodhan was one man, one man in this entire world who had accepted him for his talents.

Who had seen his capabilities,  and not judged him based on the family that he had come from.

All in his life what did he want? Just the equal right and treatment as an human being, and not some animal.

He was limited and shackled, refrained from doing what he wished just because he came from a certain family.

Just because he was born as a son of a low born. Did he have any control over that? Than why was he judged over it?

Duryodhan smiled back at his friend, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze, breaking Karn out of the darkness that was threatening to pull him under it.

"Yes dear friend, you do not have to worry about anything as long as Angraj Karn and I am there with you." Ashwathama assured, grining at his best friend. 

"You, my kids, are inspiration to every friend out there, as to how to support your friend through thick and thin." Gandharaj Shakuni, stated, his voice filled with joy, as long as this two morons were at his nephews side, he was pretty sure that they could get away with anything.

Hastinapur had taken away a lot from him. His gaze cut through the room, settling on Bhism's throne, his jaw set.

Still he hadn't forgotten what Bhism had done to him. What he had done to his sister. Forcing a woman's hand in marriage seems to be the habit of this so called good men of Hastinapur. 

First, Ambalika and Ambika, were forced to marry the father of Pandu and Dhritrashtr. Did he give a damn? Hell no!

What mattered to him was when this Bhism forced his innocent sister to marry his blind nephew. Marriage is supposed to be a voluntary choice, but did Bhism let it happen?

Wasn't that marriage unjust? His jaw set, fury burning through the pit of his stomach. What  beautiful family he had, a small nation to rule on, parents who loved their children more than their soul, and a sister, who was his everything. 

Did they do anything to Hastinapur? Of course not. But he just had to walk in and destroy his little world of happiness. 

His hands traced the pouch that consisted of his dices, that he had made of his father's ashes. What had he done to lose his family?

His heart burned, blood boiled in him, making him want to burn everything.  Like a breeder, his sister was expected to pop up sons, so Dhritrashtr could rule over Hastinapur.

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