Chapter 21

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Nakul yawned, his mind was hazy in sleep, a distant feminine voice broke his slumber spell.




He blinked his eyes harder, rubbing them, clearing off the sleep, as he stood up. His eyes focusing on the petite figure of his wife who lay in the bed, thrashing in her sleep.

"Drau." He called, his voice hoarse. Concern unfurled in his chest, he rushed towards the huge round bed, canopy surrounding it.

He flicked away the silk material of the canopy, sitting beside her on the bed, facing her.

"Princess." He called alarmed, her face was contorted in a panicked expression,  as she moved restlessly on the bed.

"Please don't touch.." Her words grew frantic, tears tracing down the corner of her eyes.

His heart clenched, the familiar spark of fury ignited in his chest. And for what felt like the hundredth time that night, he wanted to pummel the face of those attackers.

"Drau." He called louder, shaking her shoulders. Concern built higher in his chest.

"Wake up princess." He requested, frowning down at her.

"Drau." His tone grew urgent, clutching her shoulders, he shook her.

"Open your eyes." He commanded, jolting her sharply, her eyes flew open, terror masked her features, she breathed heavily.

Sweat beaded her forehead, while she gazed at him panicked. "A..a...aa..arya. Arya." Stammering she looked around, trembling like a dry leaf, her eyes gazing around in trepidation.

His protective streak came rushing out,  seeing her so vulnerable arose something so powerful in him. The need to cuddle her and croon sweet nothings in him was overwhelming.

Seeing her so vulnerable,  arose the protective side in him.

He cupped her cheeks, "Easy, easy. Breath princess. Calm down." He cooed, his heart hammering in fear, seeing her so terrified scared him.

"" she stammered, her throat tightening making it impossible to speak coherently. Her eyes were wide in terror, trembling like a leaf, she gazed around, as if expecting someone to jump on her.

Seeing her so scared, it broke his heart in to thousands of finer pieces.

"Shh. It's okay. I am right here. Calm down love. No one is here except me." He assured, his voice soft, cupping her cheeks, he made her look in his eyes.

She froze, as though finally registering her surroundings. Those dark orbs held hers captive, pulling her out of that dark pit of dread, that seemed to pull her in like quick sand.

  "Arya?" She asked cautiously,  her bottom lip quivered, he nodded, smiling at her encouragingly.

Wiping her tears with his thumbs, he held her stare. "Yes love, it's me. Your Arya. It's okay. It was just a dream. You are here with me.  Safe and sound." He whispered, resting his forehead against her holding her close.

Shutting his eyes, he breathed in her fragrance, easing the protective beast in him, that was clawing to come out.

"Calm down. And breath along with me." He commanded, laying her hand over his heart, guiding her through each  breath, making her match her breathing with his.

"That's like my girl. You are doing amazing Drau." He cooed, guiding her to calm down. His firm and soothing voice, rooting her to reality. 

He pulled her in his lap, making her sit sideways. Running his fingers through her hair, he hummed, laying her head in the crook of his neck, his arms wrapping around her waist, protectively pulling her closer to his chest.

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