Chapter 36

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"Are you sure about this?" Dhara whispered, her heart was hammering wildly, anxiety snaking around the organ in her chest.

"Yes. Very." Panchaali whispered, tightening her hold over the tray, gazing at the oak doors ahead of her.

"What if your husbands got to know?" Asked the handmaid, this was such a stupid idea, if the pandavas knew that she had guided their precious wife here, even god wouldn't be able to save her.

Anger of prince Duryodhan was volatile, entire Hastinapur knew this, specifically now, when he was no longer himself.

"Arya Nakul is sleeping, and others are gone for another important meeting, we would just go in feed bhraata and be back." Panchaali stated, like it was the most easiest thing to do, on this planet.

"You do know that Rajkumar Duryodhan is not a puppy right? Where you just walk in, caress his head and he'll wag his tail. He's a damn beast, specifically now that his wives are comatose, he'll shred us like a rag." Dhara spoke exasperated, gazing at her friend, wondering whether to call her brave or silly.

Silly would be better, for if she called her brave, there might be a repeat of this.

And Panchaali might be brave, but Dhara knew that her heart would collapse if she had to do this again.

It was a situation where she knew, she'll be damned no matter, what choices she made.

The only difference was, it would either be pandavas, or Duryodhan kill her, and the reason?

Their wives.

She sighed, gazing at the roof, god why do best friends always have to get their rears whooped in the name of true love? 

It was a universal injustice, but she wouldn't change a thing about it.

Draupadi rolled her eyes at her friend's antics. "You are behaving as if he is a ghost, and not a human." Amusement tainted her words.

"He is." Dhara insisted, but all she got was a eyebrow raise in question, amusement shining brightly in the golden flaming embers in her dark ebony blaze of irises.

"Oh just you wait. See him angry once, and than we'll decide, who is being a moron here." Grumbled Dhara, dragging her feet ahead, mentally she began to chant Hanuman Chalisa.

"If I die today, I am coming down to haunt your ass." Draupadi just rolled her eyes, at her friend's over reaction, after all how bad could this be.

The doors made loud groaning sound, making Panchaali mentally cringe at the sound.


That was all in the room, she couldn't see one thing. Hands gripped her arm, "This is a stupid idea Drau, let's run back, and never return." Dhara pleaded, her voice wavering as she gazed at the never ending dark abyesses in the room.

"Dhara don't you understand that he needs somebody, as you said, the two people he loves the most are in danger. Don't you think that his anger is rooted more from pain?" Sadness weighed heavily in Draupadi's mind, turning around she gazed at Dhara, who sighed heavily,  she shoulders sagging.

"The world freaking doesn't deserve you." She grumbled, holding her hand out to Draupadi,  who smiled, wrapping her fingers around her friends.

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