29 - Like a Bad Dream

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A/N: It has come to my mind that it is impossible for me to prevent people from copying my book since it is true that I write mostly for free. This is the internet and it is easy to copy&paste something. This is just the sad reality and to tell you honestly, it is very discouraging for someone like me who is very possessive of my works. I love you all and I am very thankful to all of you who had supported me from the beginning of my journey as a writer. I want my book to be free that's why I refused all contract offers that will lead me to delete my book on my free sites but I had to do something to discourage people who repeatedly do things like copying and taking advantage of my decision.

That's why am I telling everyone from here on that I won't be posting Love Chase as a completed book anymore. What I am saying is that 30 Chapters to the Epilogue will probably NOT be posted anywhere for free. You are still free to read this book but you should know from here on that you will need to go to Patreon/buymeacoffee to read the last 30 chapters of the book. Or another option is to read it on NovelCat where you can buy each chapter with coins or it could be completely free still if you're resourceful enough to gather tickets. With this, those who copied seasons 1 and 2 won't be able to copy season 3 or if they did, it would be unfinished.

Of course, this is still far in the future but I am telling you all now so that you can drop this book at this point if you have no plan to upgrade your support. You can thank those people who said that even without permission, as long as they credit me, it does not violate my right as the author. Anyway again, I love you all that's why I want to make my book for free as much as possible but this was also for my mental health. Knowing that people out there use my handwork to gain profit/popularity does not sit well in me. I admit that I am possessive and I'm sorry. I didn't pour all my time, effort,  and become so sickly just for someone to copy it. Once again, I'm so sorry and I would understand if you stop reading this book from this point on. With that said, if you still choose to still read Love Chase then please enjoy this chapter.

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"What are you talking about? Of course, he will! No excuses," Fyre hushed Tian Zi, glaring at the Alpha not wanting to jinx it.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Remi finished dressing up when she noticed Jonathan hugging her from behind. Honestly, she still couldn't believe that the Alpha was from a noble family because he certainly didn't act like it. She truly thought that the Alpha was just a private bodyguard from the Mo household. She mentioned before that no matter who Jonathan was, she was going to accept him but she still couldn't help but feel betrayed.

"Thank you, for giving me a chance," Jonathan whispered, kissing his lover's nape softly. Feeling this, Remi slightly flinched before she softly pushed the Alpha away. Right now, she wasn't in the mood to fool around, especially when she hadn't finished sucking in all the information she had just learned days ago. The only reason why she went with the Alpha today was that she was afraid he would go with his fiance.

"U-Uhmm, I'm worried about Fyre. Can you go and check up on him for me?" Reno requested, quickly dodging the topic. Yes, she had given Jonathan another chance but she wanted a little more time to think everything through.

"...okay," Jonathan replied with a smile after briefly being taken aback. He noticed how Remi dodged him just now but he did understand so he smiled even though he felt hurt. Seeing Remi nodding, he soon turned around to go and check on Fyre as requested but as he reached the door, Remi suddenly talked, making him halt his hand from twisting the doorknob open.

"I'm sorry. I just need a little more time to think everything through," Remi said, looking at the Alpha tenderly. Seeing this, Jonathan smiled again and nodded. He knew but he felt relieved hearing it from Remi herself.

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