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Finally, He Jiuxian was forced to get into the carriage by the impatient Xu Ting, and they began to return to the capital.

Under the stalking of He Jiuxian, Du Siyin became her apprentice, and He Jiuxian eagerly taught Du Siyin medical knowledge along the way, as if she really went to Beijing and couldn't come back.

Du Siyin was also very cooperative, and had been in peace for several days.

It rained heavily on this day, the road became muddy, and the weather in November was very cold, and the speed of the team could not help but slowed down. In the evening, they did not rush to the planned station, but only found a dilapidated Chenghuang Temple. Anyhow, there is a place to shelter from wind and rain.

But this Chenghuang Temple is not big enough to hold 800 people. Many guards can only shrink in the corner of the wall to keep out some rain by the eaves.

Fortunately, the rain stopped soon, but the sky was completely dark and unable to hurry, Xu Ting could only order one night at this Chenghuang Temple.

The guards began to gather firewood and set up camp after drying the ground.

Xu Ting, Du Siyin and others live in the Chenghuang Temple, and the guard has set fire to drive away the cold caused by the rain.

He Jiuxian suddenly shouted: "Apprentice come here!"

Du Siyin walked over, and He Jiuxian pointed to the plants on the ground and asked him, "What is this?"

The sky was already very dim at this time. Du Siyin asked Hongfeng to bring a torch over, looked at it, and said with some surprise: "Wild Jiang!"

Unexpectedly, a piece of wild **** grew next to the Chenghuang Temple.

He Jiuxian nodded his head in satisfaction, "Well, let someone dig them out, boil water for the soldiers to prevent typhoid fever."

Du Siyin immediately told Xu Ting, and a group of guards took their sabers where to dig wild ginger.

After simply eating dry food to deal with it, Du Siyin arranged to boil wild **** into water. Everyone drank a large bowl, and suddenly felt that the internal organs were warm.

Some people were arranged to watch the night. Xu Ting slept with a knife and clothes while Du Siyin sat next to her and leaned against her.

He Jiuxian is a person who emphasizes protection. The guards surround him and let him sit in the middle.

In winter, all the bugs went underground, and the night was silent.

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and one after another arrows shot into the Chenghuang Temple.

Xu Ting opened his eyes in an instant, and Du Siyin was also awakened. The guard chief shouted, "There are assassins!"

All the guards woke up, there was a sound of fighting outside, arrows kept shooting in, and Chenghuang Temple was almost pierced into hedgehogs.

Xu Ting split the flying arrow with a knife, then pushed Du Siyin to the corner, and ordered Hongfeng and Lutang to protect him.

With a bang, several large holes broke through the roof of the Chenghuang Temple, and the masked assassin in black fell from above.

There were eight hundred imperial guards outside, and it was simply a fantasy to break through them directly from the gate, so these assassins chose to attack from the roof.

The Chenghuang Temple is so small that all the guards outside cannot come in. The assassin will have the opportunity to kill the genius doctor He Jiuxian.

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