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The sky was dark, and Xu Ting was sleeping lightly with his arms around Du Siyin. Her biological clock is very good. Although she has not fully awakened at this time, she has escaped from deep sleep and is in a state of waking like asleep.

Xu Ting in this state is very sexy. Every time Du Siyin wakes up early, he can't help being attracted by Xu Ting and wants to kiss her.

Suddenly, there was a rushing call from outside the tent: "Women, young lord, it's not good, lord, he is sick and has a severe fever, please come and see!"

Du Siyin was awakened and asked, "What's wrong outside?"

Xu Ting: "It seems that Xiaoyue and others are sick."

Du Siyin's sleepiness disappeared instantly, and he quickly got up and said, "Then let's go take a look."

Xu Ting took clothes to put on him, Du Siyin again helped Xu Ting wear a belt, and the two walked out of the tent together.

After going out, I found that the person was Xu Jing's little waiter. Du Siyin hurriedly asked, "What happened to Xiao Jing?"

Xu Jing's little attendant lowered his head to talk, still shaking a little, but at this moment no one noticed this detail, just thinking that he was frightened by Xu Jing's sudden illness.

"This morning, I found that the son was moaning uncomfortably in his sleep, so I went to check and found that the son was burnt, his voice hoarse, and he couldn't speak."

They quickly walked to Xu Jing's tent, Du Siyin opened the curtain and went in and came to Xu Jing's bed. At this time, Xu Jing shrank into the quilt, revealing a small red face, Du Siyin quickly put her hand on Du Siyin's forehead.

As expected, Du Siyin showed a worried look.

"Why do you suddenly get sick?" Xu Ting asked.

Xu Jing's little waiter suddenly knelt down and cried: "It's all my fault. It's because I forgot to close the window at night. The son is weak, and this is why he is sick."

Xu Ting saw that the window in the tent was indeed rolled up.

"Jing'er, can you hear brother-in-law's voice? The doctor will be here soon."

Xu Jing only let out a few faint hums.

Soon the doctor assigned to the paddock came, and he diagnosed Xu Jing and determined that it was caused by the cold.

While prescribing the medicine, he said, "It's almost winter, and the weather is getting colder, so you must be careful, otherwise it will be easy to catch cold and get sick."

Xu Ting frowned lightly from start to finish, and did not go up to ask Xu Jing's warmth. The doctor couldn't help but shook his head at this sister.

"Doctor, how long will it take to get better after drinking these medicines?" Du Siyin asked.

"Remove the fever first, and keep it up for a few days."

Suddenly Xu Jing grabbed Du Siyin and pleaded: "Brother-in-law, I want to go home, I want to be my father."

While talking, Xu Jing cried and wanted to go home. Du Siyin couldn't bear to see that he was really pitiful, so she discussed with Xu Ting to send Xu Jing first.

At noon, Xu Jing's fever subsided a little, and the carriage was set. The little waiter helped him onto the carriage, and arranged for a guard to send Xu Jing back to the town's palace.

Originally, Du Siyin planned to let Shuqin also take care of Xu Jing, but Xu Ting said that there were enough people to take care of and there would be no trouble. If Shuqin followed, it would be very inconvenient for Du Siyin. Du Siyin gave up the idea.

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