Queen of the Dragons

By b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... More

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight


14.2K 565 94
By b00klover09

"Your first impressions on the girl are wondrous. Not only have you threatened her to not speak to her fae friend but you make her sick by forcing her to eat an animal. Brava, Lochelan. Brava!"

A growl emanated deeply within as Alazar clapped at my demise and small errors. Yes, I admit making her eat fish was not the wisest but I will not apologize for telling her to stop associating with that male fae of hers. It made no sense and was a distraction for her. Who needs acquaintances when you have part in running a kingdom?

Then of course making her cry yesterday... That was another mishap I made. My approach was stern but I suppose I had to talk in a more mindful tone. She had made it clear she did not wish to be spoken to like that and I made a mental note in my head that I would try to hold my tongue when ordering her about.

As I sat in one of the meeting chambers, I frowned. Iona was late. After her memory issues were exposed to me I requested General Iona to have the most tight lipped and well trained soldiers guard Estelle. I did not want loose lips in the slim chance that they witnessed her memory problem. If they did speak on it, they would just be put to death promptly. I rather not kill well trained fighters though. 

Iona entered the moment I was ready to complain about her. Her face set like stone as she walked into the chambers, lips pressed tightly together.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting," she murmured as I watched her bow slightly to Alazar who smiled at her. She did the same to me.

It did not matter, I just wanted to see who she had chosen. "Where are the two soldiers?" I questioned, ignoring her apology.

Her nostrils flared and she grit her teeth together. "I am not sure but I was very transparent that they needed to be here. I should have walked them here if they were going go be this late."

Iona was the general of our army. She knew who was capable and who was not. This task should not be complicated for her. She knew her men well and they all feared her. As it should be of course.

After I approved of the guards I would be going to fetch the princess and her sister for the morning meal. Just thinking about seeing her had me anxious.

Would she accept my apology or turn it down? Or maybe, hopefully she would just forget all that had happened. That would be rather convenient.

"Ersen wishes to marry within the month."

Both Alazar and I glanced at Iona. She seemed ready to shift and kill. One could not blame her. Of course he wishes to marry her within the month. His obsession with control is akin to my fathers. "You need to recruit in the village? That will take at least two months."

"Ah yes. Recruiting is much more important than marriage," Alazar added as Iona stared at him with a sly smile. "You are a general. You do not have time for marriage and entertaining a husband. Much too busy."

She cleared her throat, staring at me with a knowing look. "Of course. Prince Loche if you will propose that to the King then that would..be generous."

Of course I would have to speak to my father before Ersin clawed his way into my fathers ear. I had to make sure that Iona didn't kill him. Which she is fully capable of. One wrong move on her part and she is thrown into the dungeons. "I will speak with him later." She bowed her head slightly before we heard knocking at the door.

"You may enter."

The door opened slightly and before I even saw his face I was aware of who this male was. He trained with both Iona and I when we were younger. He came from a noble mother and a bastard father. We had sparred plenty when we were youngbloods. Then an unfortunate set of events transpired and he was stuck doing menial tasks for low level gentry.

"Ah, Cael son of Quilla! I have not seen you since you were what? Nineteen years of age," Alazar spoke as he rose from his seat and went over to greet him.

He had grown since six year ago. Even though he was not in the army he still remained with an acceptable amount of muscle and strength. His ebony hair that grew rather quickly always cut rather short. The serious look to his face did not disappear either. Composed as always.

Cael bowed as Alazar patted him on the back heavily. "It is an honor to be in both princes's presence. It has been a while," he agreed with Alazar as his eyes slid over to me.

I wonder if he still had the same sense of idiocy and impulsiveness which roped him into trouble before.

"Why do you think I should have you guard her?"

He bowed his head low. "I am wholly capable, Prince Loche. You have all of my respect and it would honor me to give my life to ensure the safety of our next queen. We have not had one in over sixty years."

He is capable of protecting yes, but will his emotions interfere as they always do. He is good at what he does. A strong male and smart. He did not talk unnecessarily too much. I trusted him to not let any harm take place to the Princess. If he does, I will just have to kill him.

"If the princess even so much as falls while under your protection I will have your hide. Do you understand?"

To emphasize his loyalties, he dropped to one knee and bowed his head, placing a hand over his heart. Well yes gestures are important but actions are what I look at. I had nothing else to say to him and instead focused my attentions on General Iona.

"And the other soldier?"

Iona was glaring at Cael and he must have felt he intense glare, is head bowing lower. "My apologies. He is late."

Why was Cael answering my question and not Iona. Her stance was solid as she crossed her arms over her breastplate. "Iona who is the other you have in mind?"

Just as Iona was ready to reprimand Cael for his suggestions lateness, someone at the door began to knock. Pound actually.

"There he is," Cael rose to his feet and looked over the man who stumbled into the meeting room. His head was kept low as Iona sighed through clenched teeth. Alazar applauded and I stared.

His hair was crimson fire.

He was apart of the cursed village. He was drenched in perspiration, he was heaving hard. His chest falling and rising sporadically. Freckles splattered all over his face. He wore armor that was not well made at all. Cheap and easily damageable. This. This is what Cael offered me?

"Cael you offer us a sun stealer?" Alazar questioned as Cael fell to one knee once more.

The man did not flinch or hang his head because of his appearance, which was admirable. "Yes. I have been helping a lord who lives near by the sun stealer village and I see him train himself in the fields, I took it upon myself to teach him."

Does he take me as a fool? "And you two sword play in the fields and you expect him to stop assassins, protect foreign royalty and have his techniques together with no formal training?"

It was pointless bringing Cael here. Obviously what happened so long ago has damaged his mind if he thinks this home trained 'soldier' is to guard Estelle and her sister. I rather have the fae guard.

"Your highness if I may request...do you think you can have a second opinion on the matter if he were to spar someone?" Cael recommended as the fire haired male did not move an inch.

I stood to my feet. "Fine. Let us spar. If you can keep up with me I will allow you to guard over my betrothed. If not I will make you bleed." That seemed fair, in reality I would like to see him bleed either way. I need to know his pain tolerance. If assassins come at him with a sword will he be able to still do his job if he is potentially stabbed?

That made the man move. "Ah prince Loche you are revered for being the sole heir to the throne. I cannot in good conscience spar with you." Either he is petrified of fighting me or he speaks the truth. Locking eyes with him, he held my gaze and it did not waver not a second. Maybe he is telling the truth.

"I will spar with him," Iona volunteered with a cheeky grin. "Unlike the prince who likes blood I enjoy the sound of a bone being snapped or crunched," Iona explained to him as he gave Cael a horrified look. Cael just shrugged his shoulders. "So whomever breaks their opponents bones first wins. Whatever bone you can get."

The man still seemed a bit dazed and confused. "But you are a woman."

A growl ripped through Iona's throat and I shook my head at the 'soldier.' "And you are a man who will know the meaning of pain when I am done with you."

Before he even registered what was happening, Iona took off charging at him. They collided quickly, Iona using her brute strength to almost knock him off his feet. Fortunately for him he was planted solidly on the ground so he did not go flying back.

They grappled and fought, he was more on the defensive then outright attacking her. It was comical to watch him attempt at trying to fight her civil-like. Iona was going to break him and then we would have to find another guard.

"Cael your recommendation is lacking," I told him simply as Iona and the sun stealer's fight spilled out into the hall.

My old comrade seemed angered. "With all due respect, my prince he is holding back. I am not sure if he is a bit nervous, but he is stronger than what he is showing right now." Of course he is. Well at least this counts as good entertainment.

"Come on, village boy. Show me how weak you truly are!" Iona taunted as her fist made contact with his face for the umpteenth time. Both of their swords were sprawled away from them so they were now just using hand to hand combat and obviously Iona was still excelling.

She always had a pair of daggers but I suppose she is going easy on him. It was a spectacle now. Some servants and guards were gathered, watching on in shock and awe as the general pummeled this weak villager.

I had to say, his will and most likely his skin was tough. He was bleeding in some places yet Iona had not yet managed to break one of his bones. Which was disappointing.

"Iona finish this. I have things to do and you have another soldier to find," I called out to her, growing impatient and bored with this whole thing.

The villager was now staggering forward, wavering in his footing as Iona stretched her arms out before her knuckles made a series of sickening cracks. She was getting prepared for hard impact against his head or maybe stomach using her fists.

Just as Iona was ready to finish him off, sweet scents cut through the stench of blood and sweat being drawn. Why did it smell of fae here? Specifically my fae...?

Looking around, I watched as the group of servant and guards parted and a series of excuses me's were ringing out.

There appeared my bride and her sister. Estelle was wearing a light pink dress, her shoulders partially wrapped in fabric and the dress molding to her skin. I am sure her back is out, for all to see. As was Junipers. Her long tresses were braided back, putting her face on display.

Juniper had something wooden and pointy in her hands. "Oh my...Juni I told you people were fighting!"

"I thought we were under attack," her sister told her as I sunk back on the wall, wanting to observe what they would do. The village boy was momentarily distracted by their presence before Iona took advantage of him and hit him with so much force his neck snapped to the side and he staggered back onto the floor.

"Excuse me!"

Princess Juniper rushed over to the village boy and Estelle stormed up to Iona. The height difference between them was comical. Both were women but were complete opposites. Estelle had to crane her neck upward just to stand up to Iona.

"Excuse me! You cannot just hurt people like that!" Estelle frowned at Iona as she crossed her arms over her chest and pressed her lips together tightly. She glanced at me, asking permission to speak to Estelle.

Help fae?

"It is a lesson, Princess. Nothing intentional. No need for you to concern yourself. I am not done with him," Iona spoke, her eyes glowing and her scales replacing skin. I waited for Estelle to back up from Iona and run away, but she stood her ground.

Estelle shook her head. "I-I cannot let you do that, ma'am. He is severely hurt and you are not. S-so no you cannot continue to hurt him."

Iona rolled her eyes and stepped to the side, in which Estelle repeated her actions. She tried to walk around her but Estelle followed, blocking her path each way. "You are a insufferable!"

"I can be insufferable. I just cannot let an innocent man be hurt while everyone stands around. Where is prince Loche? Guards...someone!" Estelle questioned desperately as a few servants looked towards me. Princess Juniper was ripping at her dress and pressing it to the side of the village boys face. Iona was glowering at me, probably wondering why on earth I was not revealing myself.

I am just curios how Estelle will further handle this. "Stelle, I will yell for Keynai. You hit her with this dagger ok?!"

So it was a wooden dagger? How useless. I watched as her sister chucked the piece of wood through the air. I pushed myself off the wall and breezed over to where the two women were squaring off. I was going to let it unfold more, but my behemoth actually thinks Estelle is in some sort of danger. Iona would not harm Estelle I am sure of it but he of course did not see it that way.

Fae. NOW.

Iona was going to grab it, but I caught it before it could reach either of their hands. "Princess," I spoke, close enough to feel her hair hit me as she whirled around.

"Loche this woman is beating up this poor man! Do not hurt her with the wooden dagger though!" She threw her arms around me and clung. Her heart was beating incredibly fast, she was scared obviously yet she stood her ground with Iona... Interesting.

Pretty fae!

Iona looked between us and rolled her eyes. "I suppose I will not be finishing him off."

"Excuse me! You servant lady please grab something to help this man! All three of you!" Princess Juniper fussed as I waved a hand at the servants to go and help the village boy.

"Find me another soldier. A competent one," I told Iona as she kept glancing at Estelle who was still holding onto me. I did not mind if she holds onto me, she smells good. At least I know she is not upset with me anymore.

Iona was glaring at someone behind me and I have no doubt that it is Cael who she is glaring at. "Loche...is the tall woman still here?" Estelle whispered.

"Yes. Her name is Iona and she is my general," I explained to Estelle as she peeled herself off of me and for some odd reason I wanted to have her pressed against me again...

She turned around, sticking close to me, and held out a hand. "I apologize for being a bit rude to you, General ma'am."

Iona bowed slightly, not taking her hand. "You have caused no offense to me. I-"

"-You with the sword! Do you have a kerchief? Give me one for his head!" Why is Princess Juniper so loud? Her voice at times is akin to that fae guard. Cael hesitantly went over to the village boy and the princess handing her some cloth.

"I-I am fine. Please," The village boy spoke sitting up on his own and scooting away from Princess Juniper nervously. "You..wow. You are so beautiful. I mean, fae...you-"

"-Silence Harkin," Cael snapped as the boy scrambled up to his feet and threw an angered glare at Iona.

Princess Juniper gasped. "Excuse me rude dragon! Do not cut off his speech. Especially when he is telling me how beautiful I am," The princess frowned at Cael as he bowed low.

"My apologies...Princess."

I noticed Estelle had wound her dress up around her fist and was grabbing Iona's hand. "You are bleeding. Let me wipe your knuckles."

Iona was glaring at my bride like she was a mad woman. As was I. Was she not just reprimanding her for hurting the village boy. "You may need warm water and a cloth wrapped in elo stalks," My bride told Iona as she gently wiped the blood from her hands.

"Ah, thank you," Iona said quickly as she snatched her hand from Estelle. "I will search for another soldier. Cael find me once you are done bringing your weakling back to his village."

With saying that, Iona stormed away, leaving Estelle, I, her sister and the two soldiers. "Loche why was she abusing that nice haired man?"

"Because he is weak," I answered her as we walked over to where Cael and Princess Juniper were. "Princesses meet one of your guards, Cael. You will have one more but we are in the process of looking for him," I explained to the fae as they both looked to Cael who immediately bowed and kept his head down.

Imbecile. "My Prince please provide me with another chance to prove myself a worthy guard. I-I was just-"

"-You are a guard?" Estelle questioned as the village boy glanced to me with sadness in his eyes.

I answered for him. "He is a weak villager on his way back to his home."

"Why is a weak villager being beat up by a general? Tis not right, Loche. Not right at all," Estelle sighed as I glared down at the beautiful woman. Who did she think she was to just ask questions that do not concern her?

"He was trying out to be your guard and he failed the test," I explained to her begrudgingly. I felt as if she would pester me if I did not explain the situation.

Both fae women gave the village boy looks of pity. "Loche he can be our guard. He is strong enough. He has muscles and nice hair," Estelle spoke as I had to bite the inside of my cheek as my teeth elongated a bit. Why was she paying attention to his almost non existent muscles. Was she inspecting him that thoroughly with her eyes?

"Yes I think he would be a good guard. He seems sweet and knows how to talk to a lady. And I like his hair too," Juniper added in as I exhaled through my nose loudly. Again, were they even aware at what it took to be a capable guard? No, not at all they were just focused on his hair and muscles.

"No," I told both of them as Estelle made a noise akin to a whine. That caught my behemoths attention rather quickly.

Make fae happy.

She grabbed my hand and her soft hands squeezed lightly. "Please, Loche? I think he has protected himself well against your general. We will have Sir Cael and Keynai too. We will be well protected."

Why am I even considering this? "He can be a temporary guard until we find someone adequate."

That seemed to please them. "Good! Do you hear that...oh wait. What is your name?"

"Oh, it is Harkin," he spoke as he wiped at some blood that trickled down his lip and began to blush. "Thank you Prince Loche. I will prove myself and thank you, beautiful fae princesses for-"

"-May I remind you of something," I growled as he promptly shut his mouth. "Both of you actually. You do not address them. You are guards, silent and watchful. You know this Cael but make sure Harkin knows his place."

Juniper scoffed. Prince Loche why are you so mean? "Are you jealous that our guard has called us beautiful? Harkin will you please let Prince Loche know he is also beautiful? Cael you do the same. Estelle you do too!"

"You are very beautiful Loche," Estelle giggled as I began to rub my temples. These fae woman however long they stay in this kingdom will be the death of me.

I ignored the 'beautiful' comment and focused on more important tasks at hand. Like Estelle preparing for this meeting that will take place this evening.


Hey my hatchlings! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I had fun writing Iona and Estelle squaring off🤣

Patreon is up to chapter 20!

Favorite video game?
Favorite phone game?

I don't really have a game console but I used to love to play just dance on my Wii before my little cousin broke it.

Favorite phone game is probably Among Us🤣 and scrabble go.

Anyway hope you all are ready for another Monday tomorrow.💖

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