♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️...

By miss_cherry001

257K 7K 1.9K

MASSIMO ALEJANDRO ROMANO, a well-known name in the mafia world. He is an Italian mafiosa capo (mafia boss) an... More

*Author's Note*
1. *My Past*
2. *Girl In The Rain*
3. *An Evil Plan*
4. *Hot Stuff*
5. *Where Am I?*
6. *Unfamiliar Feeling*
7. *Commotion*
8. *Brotherly Love*
9. *Dinning Room*
10. *She's Mine*
11. *Going Out*
12. *Lost My Senses*
13. *Panic Attack*
14. *Ex-Mafiosa Capo*
15. *About The Plan*
16. *Girlfriend?!*
17. *She's Your Date?!*
18. *First Kiss!*
19. *His Birthday Party* Part 1
20. *His Birthday Party* Part 2
22. *Mysterious Envelope*
23. *Getting Hot In Here*
24. *Pool Party!*
25. *Two Can Play This Game*
26. *Unknown Person*
27. *Falling For Her?*
28. *She Looks Like Me?*
29. *American Mafiosa Capo*
30. *Night Club*
31. *Taste Of Her Essence*🔞⚠️
32. *Love....Pathetic?*
33. *I'll Bring Her Back!*
34. *Stranger Danger!*
35. *Traitor*
36. *Idiots As Friends*
37. *Rescuing Maya*
38. *Back To Italy*
39. *Different Massimo*
40. *Whipped?*
41. *Absolutely Whipped!*
42. *Massimo, A Gentleman?*
43. *Flashback*
44. *Business Dinner*
45. *Strong & Deep*
46. *Care*
47. *Fallen In Love With...*🔞⚠️
48. *The Room*
49. *Countryside*
50. *It's Not What You Think*
51. *An Exception*
52. *The Truth*
53. *Upset them both!*
54. *Surprise Visit*
55. *Something's cooking...*
56. *Accident*
57. *Hospital*
58. *An Almost Confession?*
59. *Found Her*
60. *Come back*
61. *The Call*
62. *The Deal*
63. *The Talk*
64. *Back Home*
65. *Heart - A Traitor*
66. *Girl Time*
67. *Guests*
68. *Weird...*
69. *Missed Her...*
70. *Everything*
71. *I Want You*
72. *Confession*
73. *Reality*
74. *Right Thing*
75. *For The Best...*
76. *Other Daughter*
77. *Enzo's Plan*
78. *Plan In Action*
79. *Selfless*
80. *Behind Closed Door...*🔞⚠️
81. *Again...*🔞⚠️
82. *For The First Time*🔞⚠️
83. *It's You...*
84. *Wedding* Part 1
85. *Wedding* Part 2
86. *Fake Kidnapping*
87. *Explanation*
88. *Revelation*
89. *The End*
90. *The News*
91. *Lifelines*
92. *She Is Fine*
93. *Baby Daddy*
94. *To Right My Wrongs*
95. *I'm Here For You*
96. *Her Choice*
97. *Not Gonna Give Up*
98. *Deja Vu*
99. *Time For Some More Deja Vu*
100. *Asking for Forgiveness*
101. *Best Sleep*
102. *Mama's Wish*
103 *Man In Love*

21. *Someone's Jealous!*

3.6K 79 42
By miss_cherry001

Maya's P.O.V

Next day, that is after the grand party everything was back to how it was. The decorations were gone, there were no unfamiliar people anymore. The only two people who stayed behind were obviously Romano twins, Marcos and Marcelo. Even though they both had their own businesses to attend they said that since they were here there was no harm in spending some more time with their family.

Last night was fine. Okay not fine because it was super fine given the fact that I had gotten to eat so many tasty Italian dishes. If we eliminate the time where I had that dance with Massimo the whole night was pretty good. 'You sure that part wasn't the best part of the night?' I ignored my subconscious mind just like always.

I also got to spend time with Marcos & Marcelo, and let me tell you they both were such a great company. Especially Marcelo. He was just like someone with whom you wanted to go & party all night. He was an entertainer. While Marcos just like how I had said earlier was a complete gentleman, but if he wanted to he could be a good company as well. All in all for me they both were just like Enzo, with whom I could be comfortable with unlike a particular someone.

It surprised me how they both were his brothers but then again Mr. Romano was his father as well but he was nothing like him. 'Looks like he's adopted.' I shook my weird thought away.

It was around 11 am. Since the party had ended late, I slept till 10 this morning. I walked out of my room and made my way downstairs. As I stepped on the last few stairs I heard voices coming from the dining room so I made my way towards there.

When I reached close to the dining room I could clearly hear the voices now. An involuntary smile came up on my lips when I heard Marcelo's voice and then everyone chuckled at whatever he said.

I halted a little in my steps when I noticed him as well in the dining room sitting on his head chair. I continued moving and their voiced died down when they noticed my presence.

The first person with whom my eyes met was Martha who gave me her as usual motherly smile. I smiled back at her.

"Oh great that you're here as well." Martha said. "We wanted to call you down but then I thought to let you rest since you went to bed late last night." She gestured me to come sit on the chair which this time thankfully wasn't next to Massimo. It was Marcos and Marcelo who were siting on either side of him. Beside Marcos was siting Enzo and the seat next to Marcelo was empty so I made my way towards that chair and sat down.

"Good morning everyone." I greeted. As I sat down on my chair only then I noticed that Marcelo wasn't wearing anything on his upper body. He was only wearing his gray sweatpants.

Now, don't take me wrong. I obviously had seen tons of naked torsos well more than that because I was a nurse. But because of being in my professional mode I had never really noticed a man's body in that way before but now being a nurse was the last thing on my mind. I couldn't help but to gave side glances towards his naked torso. And oh good lord! He had abs. Not 4 but 6 well-defined abs! Because of sitting next to him I could even feel his body heat and smell his manly cologne. 'Are you crushing on the younger twin now?'

I blushed at my thoughts and shook my head inwardly and tried to focus on my breakfast. I was a girl after all! I was bound to react this way. It wasn't as if I was flirting with him or anything I was just peeking.

"Take a picture it lasts longer." And at that very moment I decided to take a sip of my orange juice. Wrong move. I coughed as I covered my mouth with my hand and tried to not spill it out of my mouth or nose.

"You okay." Marcelo chuckled as he started to gently rub my back. I wiped my mouth with napkin and accepted the glass of water Marcelo gave me.

"Don't tease the poor girl Marcelo." Gabrielle scolded him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to." He said. "I just saw her admiring my naked body so I told her to take a picture since it lasts longer." He teased. I blushed when I noticed that now everyone must've heard him. 'What they must be thinking?!' It was embarrassing.

A loud clearing of throat made me look up at the person and I saw him looking already at me with his intense dark brown eyes. But this time there was some other emotion in his eyes. It was something scary as if he didn't like something. I looked away from him and continued eating my breakfast.

Massimo's P.O.V

I didn't have any problem with Marcelo walking half naked in my house since he had always been like this the mischievous one and I just didn't see any problem in that. If he found it comfortable then let him be. But now when I noticed her looking at my brother's naked torso, I wanted Marcelo to go and wear anything to cover himself up.

I knew both of my brothers were handsome, they were Romanos after all. I also knew how women would die to just get a look of them since they had perfectly shaped bodies. But I didn't like it even a bit when I noticed her looking at Marcelo's naked torso. As stupid as it might sound but I just wanted to either push Marcelo away from her eye sight or to cover her eyes so that she couldn't see him.

'Someone's jealous!'

I fisted my palms when I look admiration in her eyes. I scoffed mentally. Ofcourse she'd like what she was seeing. Theses girls! The moment they see abs & chiseled torso they start to drool like kids! 'As if you don't drool when you see a girl's cleavage or thick ass!' Okay, my subconscious mind might be right but still!

A naughty smirk came up on my lips as a thought came up in my mind. 'If she thinks Marcelo's body is fine then I want to see her reaction when she'll see my naked tor- body. She'll not just see my torso but my whole naked body!' I felt my buddy down there getting a little excited at the thought of her seeing us. 'I can't wait for her to not just look but to touch me as well especially there!'

I cleared my throat as I tried to adjust my pants without getting noticed. My eyes then went towards her and then as if sensing my gaze she looked up at me while still blushing a little. I didn't like the fact that she was blushing because of my brother's naked body!

We didn't hold each others gaze for that long and she continued to eat her breakfast.

"So, since we've decided that we are going to spend some family time here," Marcelo said mentioning about his & Marcos' decision of living here for a while. "I think we should go out and enjoy instead of wasting time inside doing nothing." He completed.

"Yeah great idea I was thinking the same thing." Marcos agreed.

"Well, this is good. You all should surely go out and enjoy but I'm afraid I can't join you guys because I'm returning back today." Father said.

"What? Why?" Marcos asked.

"I've some business to attend and I guess I've spend more than enough time here. I'm happy that I got to see my whole family here." I didn't know if I was just being delusional but I saw him looking at Maya when he said whole family. "Also, this isn't exactly my house it's Massimo's mansion and I can't stay here forever." I knew what he meant by when he said that this wasn't his house. Obviously it wasn't. That other mansion was what he still called his house! I snickered mentally.

"Very well then. It was nice having you here padre." I said in my hard emotionless tone as I stood up from my chair. "I'm done with my breakfast. I've some business to attend. Excuse me." I said to no one in particular and started to walk out of the dining room but not before giving her a last glance.

Maya's P.O.V

How could a person be this rude to his own father? I didn't know exactly what was the deal between these two father and son but whatever it was you didn't get to talk to your own father this way! Such a douche.

Even though it had been only a week with Mr. Romano but since he was so kind and humble that even I would be missing him. Sometimes I wondered if I was really kidnapped? Because the way they all behaved with me and treated me said a complete different story. 'I swear if Massimo hadn't kidnapped me, I would've lived with these people forever! They are this much kind.'

It was later that day, I was resting inside my room. Mr. Romano was long gone. I smiled a little remembering what he had said to me.

"I'm glad that I got to meet you Neonata. You're not just beautiful but kind as well. You remind me of someone." I noticed how his eyes got a little sad. "I hope when I come back here next time I'll see you again." And with that he pecked my forehead gently.

I didn't know about seeing him again but I was sure he wasn't going to see me here again next time because I wouldn't be here for that long. I had my whole life back in America. I had to go back and I'd go back. I didn't know how or when but soon!

Knocking on my bedroom door sounded and I stood up from my bed.
"Come in." I said. Who it could be? It couldn't be Enzo because he would've barged in without knocking.

The door creaked opened and I smiled when Marcos came in.

"Hey." He said as he walked inside.

"Hi." I said back and patted on my bed for him to come and sit.

"So, how are you?" He asked as he sat down on the bed in front of me.

I gave him a confused look. "I'm good." I answered.

"Great." He then said.

'Hmm somethings wrong.'

"What happened Marcos?" I asked when I saw him looking a bit nervous which I didn't know why.

"Um I actually know." He said to which I continued giving him the confused look because what he said didn't make any sense.

"You know what?" I asked.

He sighed first and then said, "I know about how you ended up here." Oh.

I didn't say anything because I exactly didn't know what to say. Also, I knew he hadn't finished.

"If I wanted to I'd have apologised but I know it's not worth it I mean apologising wouldn't turn wrong into right." He said.

I smiled. In this short time being another thing that I had learnt about Marcos was that he was the sensitive one. He was someone who wouldn't think twice before apologising if he knew that he was in wrong. He would say everything out loud but stay quiet if it meant to save someone from heartbreak. Although both Marcos and Marcelo were kind but Marcos was the kindest.

"It's ok Marcos you don't have to apologise or feel sorry. It's not your fault." I said as I placed my hand over his and gently pressed it, gesturing him that it was ok.

"I really wish I could help you out b-" Before he could complete I completed it by saying, "-but I know you can't go against your brother because he's strong, powerful and blah blah blah. I know, I know."

"But I'd be lying if I say that I'm not happy with you being here." He said.

I chuckled remembering about how Martha, Gaby and Enzo had said the same thing. "I know I know I'm just so good & kind that people just can't help but to adore me." I joked to which he chuckled.

"Well, that's true there's no say in that. You're kind and beautiful as well." He said and I almost awed when I saw him getting blushed a little. Looked like he didn't mean to say the beautiful part.

He cleared his throat before saying, "I actually came here to tell you that Marcelo and I have decided to go out today just like he mentioned earlier. So, be ready by 5 pm." He informed and then stood up from the bed.

"Um okay I'll be ready by then." I said. He gave a slight nod and then left the room. I sighed as I laid down on the bed. It was 3 in the afternoon which meant I still had 2 hours. 'Let's take a little nap before I get ready to go out.' And with that I closed my eyes.

Massimo's P.O.V

I was in my office room doing some business related work when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said curtly.

"Hey Big bro." Came Marcelo's voice.

I looked up from my work and saw him coming inside and then he sat down on the chair in front of me.

"Nice office." He said while looking around. I nearly rolled my eyes.

"It's the same as it was when you were here last time." I said.

He chuckled. "I know. I was just trying to make a convo big bro."

I shook my head at his behaviour. "So, do you've any important thing to say or are you here to just waste my time, because I'm trying to do some work here." I said as I motioned towards the files setting on the table.

"Always this brooding." He whispered under his breath but I heard it nonetheless. "I was actually here to inform you that we are taking your hostage out with us you know for some sight seeing and enjoyment."

I looked up at him when he said taking your hostage out. I knew what he meant by that. "No."

"What?" He asked. I sighed. I knew he heard it clearly.

"I said No. You can't take her. You want to stay here and spend some time, by all means do it. But you're not talking her with you anywhere." I said in a final tone.

"Sad. We've actually already informed her about going out and Marcos told me that she was looking pretty excited." He said. I didn't said anything and kept doing my work.

"He also told me about her saying that she was happy that she was finally going out after around um half a month living inside this huge mansion." He said.

'Cruel Massimo! Keeping poor girl caged inside his huge mansion!'

"He also told-" Before he could complete I groaned and whispered-yelled, "fucking fine!" The moment I said that a wide smile came up on his face.

"Thanks big bro." He said and got up from his sit. He was about to walk out of the room but I stopped him. "Wait."

Maya's P.O.V

It was 4:50 pm now and I was all ready. I had my outfit on and little to no makeup on my face. I looked once again in the mirror and was satisfied with how I looked. 'I look good.'

I walked out of the room and made my way down the stairs. I was really excited for today. I was finally going out. I mean I did go out once but it was to a crowded mall. I couldn't wander around properly, just straight to the mall and then back at the mansion. But today I was actually going out and I'd get to sight seeing the beauty of Italy! And that too in the absence of a brooding person.

I smiled as I reached downstairs and saw both Marcos and Marcelo standing by the living room. They both were wearing casual clothes. Marcos was wearing simple grey t-shirt with green army pants while Marcelo was wearing a green shirt and his grey sweats? I chuckled. 'Looks like someone really loves their sweatpants.'

Now, you must be thinking how did I recognise who was who. Well, simple. Marcos was the one with clean shave while Marcelo was one with a little bit of subtle. This small change made them look different from each other and also now after knowing a little about them I could differentiate who's who.

"Hey." I greeted them both. They turned towards me and smiled at the same time saying hey. 'Sometimes it kinda looks creepy but in a cool way.'

"Where's Enzo? Is he not coming?" I asked when I noticed his absence.

"Nope. He isn't he said he has some business to attend." Marcelo said to which I said Oh.

"Don't worry we won't let you miss that idiot and we'll have lots of fun." Marcos assured me to which I just smiled.

"Yup if only someone let us." Marcelo whispered but I heard him nonetheless. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. 'What does he mean by that?'

I shrugged it away. "So, let's go then." I said.

"Um we're actually waiting for someone." Marcos said. I furrowed my eyebrows again. 'Who else is coming?'

"Who else is coming?" I asked my thought out loud. My smile widened when I realised it. "Martha and Gaby are they coming as well?" I asked. To my dismay Marcos shook his head in a No. 'If not Martha and Gaby than who else?'

'What if that Sabitchna is coming?' I thought in my mind. Sabrina was well not even the last person with whom I wanted to go out and enjoy. Last time I couldn't say anything because that douche was with us. The last time I had seen her was the night before yesterday outside Massimo's office where they did whatever. I didn't see her in the party as well. Well, according to Martha that poor girl had gotten a viral and because of the body pain she couldn't even stand up so ya that's why she wasn't there. But then again if she had a viral how could she come with us?

"I'm here." Came a powerful hard voice. I exhaled. I could hear him coming towards us. I turned around because my back was facing him and the moment I turned I forgot how to breath.

Massimo's P.O.V

I checked myself last time in the full body mirror and made my way outside the room but not before taking my gun with me. I'd always carry my gun whenever I went out. Even though my men were always there surrounding me but still as a precaution I'd keep it for protection.

Since today it was going to be kind of a family outing, I had informed my men to keep an eye on us from the distance because I didn't want them to interrupt us. Also, today there were going to be more than usual men surrounding us because I wasn't alone, my brothers were there this time and she was going as well.

As I walked down the stairs I heard voices coming from the living room.
"I'm here." I said as soon as I reached living room and then only I noticed her standing there with her back to me. When she heard my voice she turned around while I was walking towards them.

I halted midway when my eyes landed on her. She was now facing me. And my god I forgot how to breath.

I didn't release I was staring at her until I saw her squirming a little under my gaze. I just couldn't help it, she was looking breathtaking in the outfit that she was wearing. Because of her off-shoulder top her skin was on display, showing off her glowing shoulders, her long slender neck and a bit of her cute tummy was on display as well. Her hairs were tied up in a messy bun with few tendrils falling on her face which gave her a serene yet sexy look.

A loud clearing of throat made me look away from her. I didn't realise when I reached their side. 'It must be while you were busy gawking at her.'

I noticed both Marcos and Marcelo looking at each other then at me with a smug look on their faces. I ignored whatever they were doing because it wasn't anything new.

"Very well, since everyone's here let's get going." Marcelo said. From my peripheral vision I noticed Marcos standing with Maya and he was saying something to her to which she smiled up at him. 'What are they talking about and when did she get so comfortable with him? She just met them yesterday.' I thought in my mind.

We started to walk out of the mansion. Marcelo was walking with me while Marcos and Maya were behind us still talking with each other. I clenched my jaw in irritation. I could hear her chuckle at whatever he said to her. 'So, she can laugh and chuckle with them but she can't even smile with me?!'

Soon we reached outside where our ride was waiting for us. Since it was going to be a family outing I told my driver to not drive today. I thought to drive by myself so I made my way towards the driver seat and sat inside the car. As I sat inside I saw her quickly running past Marcelo and sitting in the back seat.

Marcelo for some unknown reason chuckled while shaking his head and then opened the passenger side door to sit inside the car. Soon Marcos sat inside as well and then I started driving but not before signaling my men to follow behind us discreetly.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I heard her asking Marcos who was sitting with her in the backseat.

"Wherever you want to go my lady." He asked in his fake british accent. I scoffed mentally.

She giggled at how he tried to fake a british accent. I felt that unfamiliar feeling again when I heard her innocent giggle. It was like music to ears. I scoffed mentally again.
'No one would call me a fearsome mafioso capo if they hear my inner thoughts right now!'

"She isn't going to get impressed with that fake accent of yours Marcos, so drop it." Marcelo teased him. "And for where we are going, it's actually a surprise for you." He said to her.

"Surprise? No, I don't like surprises, please tell me where are we going? Pleaseee!" She literally whined which I found really cute. Through the front mirror I could see her pouting her lips a little. 'fucking cute!'

Both Marcos and Marcelo chuckled at her at the same time.

"Nope, not gonna happen. Not even with the cute pout that you're making right now." Marcelo said amusingly.

I saw her playfully pulled her tongue out at him. I didn't realise when but an involuntary smile came up on my lips.

"Eyes on the road big bro. Don't know about you but I wanna go back home in one piece." Marcelo said to me lowly. Only then I noticed that he must've seen me looking at her through the front mirror. I didn't say anything and continued driving the car. From my peripheral vision I could see a smirk coming up on my brother's face.

"So Maya, we actually haven't asked you properly about yourself." I heard Marcos saying. "I mean what do you exactly do back in America."

My gaze involuntary snapped up on the front mirror to look at her reaction and as I looked up our eyes collided with each other to which she immediately turned her eyes away.

"Um I'm actually a nurse." She answered.

"Wow that's cool." This time it was Marcelo. "Well, it actually suits you given the fact that you're so kind." Marcos then said.

"And beautiful as well." Marcelo added. "I mean I can just vision patients getting injured on purpose so that they could get treated by you." He said with a wink.

"Right! I mean I'm sure you'd be the sexy nurse that every patient wanted to get taken care by." My grip on the steering wheel tightened because of what Marcos just said. Marcos was surely handsome n all but he was never a flirt unlike Marcelo, so it surprised me a little and I was irritated as well. 'Just a little?'

"Oh shut up, you guys are just exaggerating. It's nothing like that." She said & chuckled a little awkwardly as if she was getting embarrassed/uncomfortable. I could also feel her blushing even though I wasn't looking at her. 'She blushes all the time.'

Both Marcos and Marcelo chuckled playfully. "We're not exaggerating cara it's the truth. I mean if you don't believe us let's ask big brother if we're wrong or right." Marcelo said.

I didn't say anything and acted as if I was only into driving and wasn't listing to their conversation.

"What say big brother?" Marcelo asked. I still didn't acknowledge what he said.
"Don't you agree with the part of her being a sexy nurse? And not to forget with that typical nurse uniform on!" I tried I really tried to not envision her in a short tight skirt and an even tight shirt with few buttons opened from the top but my dirty mind hadn't been working how I wanted it be ever since someone had entered in my life, so let's just say I was about to spend my day out with blue balls.

Maya's P.O.V

Right now I wanted to strangle both Marcos and Marcelo. I didn't know what they were trying to do but they surely were making me embarrass. If it was them being flirty with me I wouldn't have any problem with that, but they were discussing about me being a sexy nurse wearing a typical nurse uniform with Massimo!

I knew what they meant by typical nurse uniform. And I also knew that being men they must've envisioned myself wearing that uniform as well because that's what men do! So, obviously it was awkward and embarrassing for me. Also, I felt a different kind of embarrassment (if that makes any sense) when I thought about Massimo envisioning me in typical nurse inform. I didn't want him to even look at my imaginary self in that kind of way!
'You sure hun? Because it feels like as if you won't be able to handle him seeing you like that. If you know what I mean.' Was it weird of me to feel like as if my subconscious mind was giving me a smug look?

"For your kind information Marcelo nowadays typical nurse uniform has changed into simple blue shirt with scrubs (doctor pants)." I said.

"Oh well that's bad." He said sadly. "But I bet you'd look sexy in that as well." He winked and then chuckled when I playfully glared at him.

"We're here." Said his dark voice. Only then I noticed that the car had now halted. I didn't know if I was being delusional but I felt like as if he was angry. Well he was always this brooding but this time I was sure that he was angry at something.

I shrugged it away as I excitedly stepped out of the car.
I was very much excited for today! I had finally gotten the chance to see the beauty of Italy. I was so excited and happy that I didn't even mind him being with us anymore. I mean I was surely not very happy with him going out with us because he made me feel intimidating and I just couldn't focus properly when he was around. But I tried to overlook it and instead started to think about how I was going to enjoy with Marcos and Marcelo.

I felt my breath hitched when I realised exactly where we had reached. A wide smile came up on my lips and I got all giddy like a 5 year old kid when in front of me I saw a huge Welcome board to an "Amusement Park"!

Hey guys! So, how was this chapter?

Well, someone was jealous🙄 What do you've to say about that?

Also, Marcos & Marcelo has decided to stay which means there are going to be much more of them in the book! Are you happy?

Do tell what you feel about this chapter? Your thoughts! Anything.

Also, I've changed her name to Maya. Well, previously she didn't really had a specific name it was (Y/N), but then a reader wanted me to give her a name. She suggested some names, I liked this one and here we are! So, it's going to be Maya from now onwards.

Apologies for any errors & mistakes!

Thank you!💕😁
All the love

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