♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️...

By miss_cherry001

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MASSIMO ALEJANDRO ROMANO, a well-known name in the mafia world. He is an Italian mafiosa capo (mafia boss) an... More

*Author's Note*
1. *My Past*
2. *Girl In The Rain*
3. *An Evil Plan*
4. *Hot Stuff*
5. *Where Am I?*
6. *Unfamiliar Feeling*
7. *Commotion*
8. *Brotherly Love*
9. *Dinning Room*
10. *She's Mine*
11. *Going Out*
12. *Lost My Senses*
13. *Panic Attack*
14. *Ex-Mafiosa Capo*
15. *About The Plan*
16. *Girlfriend?!*
17. *She's Your Date?!*
18. *First Kiss!*
19. *His Birthday Party* Part 1
21. *Someone's Jealous!*
22. *Mysterious Envelope*
23. *Getting Hot In Here*
24. *Pool Party!*
25. *Two Can Play This Game*
26. *Unknown Person*
27. *Falling For Her?*
28. *She Looks Like Me?*
29. *American Mafiosa Capo*
30. *Night Club*
31. *Taste Of Her Essence*🔞⚠️
32. *Love....Pathetic?*
33. *I'll Bring Her Back!*
34. *Stranger Danger!*
35. *Traitor*
36. *Idiots As Friends*
37. *Rescuing Maya*
38. *Back To Italy*
39. *Different Massimo*
40. *Whipped?*
41. *Absolutely Whipped!*
42. *Massimo, A Gentleman?*
43. *Flashback*
44. *Business Dinner*
45. *Strong & Deep*
46. *Care*
47. *Fallen In Love With...*🔞⚠️
48. *The Room*
49. *Countryside*
50. *It's Not What You Think*
51. *An Exception*
52. *The Truth*
53. *Upset them both!*
54. *Surprise Visit*
55. *Something's cooking...*
56. *Accident*
57. *Hospital*
58. *An Almost Confession?*
59. *Found Her*
60. *Come back*
61. *The Call*
62. *The Deal*
63. *The Talk*
64. *Back Home*
65. *Heart - A Traitor*
66. *Girl Time*
67. *Guests*
68. *Weird...*
69. *Missed Her...*
70. *Everything*
71. *I Want You*
72. *Confession*
73. *Reality*
74. *Right Thing*
75. *For The Best...*
76. *Other Daughter*
77. *Enzo's Plan*
78. *Plan In Action*
79. *Selfless*
80. *Behind Closed Door...*🔞⚠️
81. *Again...*🔞⚠️
82. *For The First Time*🔞⚠️
83. *It's You...*
84. *Wedding* Part 1
85. *Wedding* Part 2
86. *Fake Kidnapping*
87. *Explanation*
88. *Revelation*
89. *The End*
90. *The News*
91. *Lifelines*
92. *She Is Fine*
93. *Baby Daddy*
94. *To Right My Wrongs*
95. *I'm Here For You*
96. *Her Choice*
97. *Not Gonna Give Up*
98. *Deja Vu*
99. *Time For Some More Deja Vu*
100. *Asking for Forgiveness*
101. *Best Sleep*
102. *Mama's Wish*
103 *Man In Love*

20. *His Birthday Party* Part 2

3.4K 83 21
By miss_cherry001

*Happy Birthday Michele Morrone!*

Massimo's P.O.V

I was getting ready in my room for the much awaited party of the year as what Martha, Gaby & Enzo liked to call it. I tell you these guys weren't that much excited when it came to their own birthdays. I was inside the room but I could still hear the noises coming from the down floor and from the front yard where the party was held.

It was 7:30 pm, the function had started. I could see people from all over the world. Some of them were just like me, involved in mafia business while some were just famous rich people. Just because I was in mafia that didn't mean I only had mafia business, I also did other legal work in order to keep my identity clean in front of the world even though I didn't give a damn about what people think about me!

"Mr. Romano." A man in his 40s greeted me while I just gave him a curt nod. Since the moment I entered, people were continuously greeting me and coming to me which had now started to annoy me because most of them were just clinging women who just wanted to get my attention. All of them were obviously rich and from high class but still their actions were totally different.

"Massimo darling." A feminine voice purred from my right side. I sighed. 'Here comes another one.'

I turned around and saw a familiar face but not so familiar because I couldn't remember her name. She was wearing a dark red low cut dress with long slit in front. The dress was so tight on her that it made me wonder how did she wear it on her body? Also, how was she going to get out of it without tearing it apart?

She gave me a seductive smile when she saw me looking at her. She must've thought that I liked her or whatever because then she said, "I know I'm looking hot that's why you can't take your eyes away from me." She placed a hand on my chest while bending a little towards me trying to show me her almost naked breasts.

I just stood there with hands in my pockets and an unfazed hard look on my face. I saw her getting a little annoyed when she noticed how I wasn't looking even a little bit interested. If I wanted to I could've just pushed her away from me but tonight I didn't want to create any scene and besides I didn't want to spend even an ounce of energy on such low lifes!

'But earlier you used to spend so much of your time with such low lives. What changed?'

I sighed in relief when she left me alone. Good for her. I didn't exactly understand how low they could stoop just to get my attention. 'Duh. Because you're powerful, strong and insanely handsome! Of course they'd want to be with you!'

"Enjoying the party I see." Great. Couldn't they give me just a second of peace. I didn't acknowledge his voice because I knew he wouldn't stop anyways. Irritating guy!

"It's your happy birthday atleast smile a little. It won't harm grande Fratello." The moment I heard this other voice I turned around and came face to face with my fratello minore.
(Big brother. Younger brother)

Marcos smiled at me and gave me a bro hug which I happily obliged. "Happy birthday big bro!" He wished to which I didn't say thank you or anything. He knew how I didn't like getting wished from every single person yet he was doing it on purpose.

"How have you been?" I asked him instead. He lived in London away from all this illegal mafia stuff that's what he liked to call it. Marcos had always been different since he was a kid. He had never been interested in this business but he also didn't abandon us completely. He just went away and made his own life the legal one. He owned chains of hotels and malls all over the world. He wanted that life so father didn't object and also because he wasn't in the line of becoming the next capo it was me, so father didn't see any problem in Marcos not involving in this business.
'I sometimes wonder how father would have reacted if it was me instead of Marcos? Would he allow me from choosing something different?'

I came out of my thoughts when I heard another familiar voice. "Have you forgotten that you have one more brother?" Though he tried to sound as if he was sad but I knew he was just messing around.

"Ofcourse. I mean you've the same face so why would someone want to see same person again and besides I'm the handsome twin." Marcos teased my another brother Marcelo. They both were twins, Marcos being 2 minutes older than Marcelo while I was 5 years older than both of them.

"Big brother." He just like Marcos gave me a hug which I happily returned. Now you must be thinking why I was getting happy in their presence. Well, because they were my younger brothers even though they both chose to not live here and doing something on their own I still cared for them. They were my family after all!

Marcelo was the most mischievous and naughty out of all. Even though he also didn't take part in this business but unlike Marcos he owned chains of bars, casinos and pubs in big countries. Marcos didn't believe in legal or illegal. For him anything that could earn him money was legal as long as there was no harm to innocent people.

"I don't understand how you tell who's Marcos and who's Marcelo amongst them. To me they look exactly the same." Finally Enzo couldn't stay silent so he decided to say something.

"That's because we are identical twins Enzo." Both Marcos & Marcelo said at the same time. They gave each other annoyed looks. I knew what was going in their mind. They didn't like when the other one talk at the same time and I didn't know if they did that on purpose but they used to sometimes speak exactly at the same time. Some twin shit maybe!

We talked for a while catching up on old times. Mostly they were talking while I was just speaking a bit here & there. Anybody could tell that I was normal than usual in my brothers presence and some people even took that as a right opportunity to approach me.

"Tesoro." I heard Enzo calling someone.

'Oh you know very well who this someone is!'

I knew I'd see her tonight. Since that night that Kiss I tried to keep myself away from her. But I knew tonight I couldn't. 'It's ok, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like I need to talk to her or something. I'll just ignore her presence.' I thought in my mind. 'Ya sure ignore her. If only that's something possible to do!' I ignored my subconscious mind and blanked my face from any ounce of emotion.

As I took a breath my nostrils got filled with her scent. I knew she was close very close. I heard her sweet melodies voice. She was thanking Enzo for completing her. Even though I couldn't see her I knew she was blushing. I just knew.

"Come I'll introduce you to some people." Enzo said. I knew he was referring to my brothers and now any moment she'd be standing with us, standing close to me.
'Keep your shit together Massimo!' I mentally scolded myself.

I saw both Marcos and Marcelo's gazes suddenly shifted towards something or more like someone. They both brought charming smiles on their faces the one they'd mostly use to lure beautiful females. The thought of them flirting with her and doing their charm on her wasn't somewhat settling with me but I tried my best to look unfazed.

"And who's this beautiful lady with you Enzo?" The naughtiest one Marcelo asked the moment they reached us.

But I didn't ponder that much on what he said, everything in me got stopped the moment she stood in front of me.

Maya's P.O.V

I had never in my life felt this much out of space and awkward. The function was now on its full form. I could see people enjoying themselves with drinks and snacks. Some were just talking & laughing while some were just drinking as if their life depended on it.

Even though Martha and Gabrielle were with me but they couldn't stay with me all the time since they were incharge of the food department and they had to make sure everything was okay.

Since I didn't know anyone here, I tried to not mingle in between the crowd of people and stayed in one corner. Thankfully there were some soft drinks as well so I was just sipping on it while assessing the crowd of people from the corner.

All of them whether man or woman they all were wearing expensive looking suits and dresses. Men were oozing authority while the women well, they were looking proudy, bold and confident. I also noticed how most of the females were giving me the exact same vibes like Sabrina would give, not just because of their covering next to nothing clothes but also how they were clinging to men. I wanted to laugh at how pathetic they looked. No wonder they were rich but with money only!

As I was looking around my eyes met with another pair of eyes. I didn't want to give that person any attention so I just kept looking around but I could still feel his gaze on me. I tried to not look back at him but I couldn't help it. When I looked at him I saw him looking intensely at me this time. I wanted to cringe when he moved his gaze slowly from my head to toe, lingering normal than usual on my chest.

Although my dress was the most descent one out of all other dresses here, but still to me it was the most exposed dress I had ever wore. No doubt it was beautiful n all but for some perverts even if you're wearing something fully covered that too could count as provoking!
'Disgusting men!'

"Tesoro." I smiled when I heard Zozo's voice. 'Oh thank god! Now I can go to him. I no longer need to stand here alone.'

I saw him coming towards me. "Someone's looking gorgeous!" He complimented to which I thanked him. I couldn't help but to blush a little.

"See, I did good thing by getting you this dress. Welcome by the way." He teased.

I chuckled at him. "Thank you for the dress and other things Zozo."

"Come I'll introduce you to some people." He said and started walking. I didn't really want to meet anyone here but since Enzo was taking me they must be descent people and not someone like that man who was staring at me just a while ago.

I followed him quietly and soon we reached in between the crowd of people. I felt a little uncomfortable when few men looked at me and gave me lustful looks. I quickly followed Enzo and didn't look at anyone.

Enzo stopped in front of two men they looked like my age but what surprised me was that they looked replica of each other. They were twins. I was so busy in looking at them that I didn't notice that someone else was standing there as well. When I reached behind him only then I noticed that it was Massimo.

Because of his back towards me I could only see his back, his broad shoulders that could easily be noticed even if it was covered with his suit jacket.
I couldn't help but to let my gaze wander southwards, his suit pants were perfectly fitted on him and making his back look so firm. I blushed and looked away when I realised I was cheking out his arse.

The twins when noticed me they stopped talking and gave me their charming smiles. I saw them acknowledging my look but I didn't feel creepy when they were looking at me. I could see in their eyes. It was genuine acknowledgement and nothing uncomfortable or awkward.

"And who's this beautiful lady with you Enzo." One of the twins asked as soon as I reached their side. Now I was standing with them and in front of me was standing Massimo.

I knew, I knew he was looking at me even though I wasn't, but I could feel his gaze on me and the weird part was it wasn't making me cringe unlike how that guy just a while ago had made me feel, instead I felt my body getting heated under his gaze.

"She's Maya my tesoro." Enzo introduced me. "And they're Massimo's younger brothers, Marcos and Marcelo." He pointed at them individually. My eyes involuntary snapped at Massimo when I heard Enzo saying Massimo's younger brothers. I had no idea he had two twin brothers.

Massimo just how I had thought was looking intensely at me. Though he had the same hard look but I could see emotions swirling in his eyes. I looked away from his eyes when I noticed a specific emotion in his eyes, lust. It was as if he wanted nothing but to eat me at the very moment. I blushed again at my own thoughts. The thing that annoyed me was how when someone else would look at me with the same emotion I wanted to cringe, but in his case I didn't feel that way instead I wanted to squeeze my thighs due to aching in a certain area.

Massimo's P.O.V

I knew she could feel my gaze on her. Even though she wasn't looking at me directly but I could feel the few glances she was sending my way. She thought I didn't notice but I did. How could I not? Since the moment she reached our side, she was all that I was looking at. She was a vision. No matter how pathetic it might sound but I felt myself getting drowned in her beauty. She was the epitome of beauty.

And the dress that she was wearing fanculo! It was as if it was made just for her. Her face was having a little bit of makeup even though it looked more natural. Her hairs they were styled up in a bun because of which her shoulders her creamy shoulders were on display. My eyes darkened when my gaze wandered from her shoulders towards her chest. The dress had a V-neck because of which I could see her cleavage. I gulped involuntary when I looked down further only to see her long toned leg in display because of the slit in dress.

I looked away from her when I felt my male anatomy getting excited by just looking at her. That dress even though was the most descent one in here but it still didn't stop my thoughts from getting naughty. On one hand I was appreciating the beauty in front of me but on the other hand I wanted her to drape a shawl around her body because I didn't want any other man to see what should've seen by only my eyes!

"So, how exactly did a girl like you ended here?" I heard Marcelo asking her. I noticed how he was looking intensely at her. Even though I knew how he'd be this with every other girl but I didn't like him being this way with her because she wasn't just any other girl!

"Well, you are asking the wrong person. This is something you should ask your grande fratello." Enzo said amusingly.
(Big Brother)

Both Marcos and Marcelo looked at me a little confusingly because of what Enzo had said. From my peripheral vision I saw her looking at me as well while Enzo was giving me his infamous smug look.

But before I could say something another voice interrupted us.
"I miei figli!" Father said as he reached our side.
(My sons)

"Padre." Both Marcos and Marcelo said at the same time. They both greeted father and then hugged him.

"How have you been dad?" Marcos asked.

"Just the same old but not old." He said amusingly.

"Ofcourse dad. No one will ever say that you're our father. You look more like our big brother." Marcelo said. "But ya you surely look Massimo's younger brother. I mean just look at him, he's always so brooding and uptight, like an old man." He whispered the last part but loud enough for us to hear.

They all laughed at what he said but I only heard a melodious little chuckle that came from her mouth. 'Hmm so you think I'm an old man. I'll show you soon amore how much of an old man I am!'

"Oh mio dio, Neonata you look so gorgeous!" Father said as soon as he noticed her presence. I pressed my lips in irritation. 'What's with everyone and these endearments? First tesoro and now Neonata. She has a name.'

"Thank you Mr. Romano." She said shyly and a strand of hair fell on her face which I so wanted to tuck behind her ear. 'Just like how you did the other two times? Why don't you just admit that you want to touch her.'

"Neonata?" Marcelo said as he looked at father. "Please don't tell me dad that she is with you or something. I mean ok I understand that you're still very young but she's way beautiful. Please leave her for your sons!" He said jokingly.

Although I knew very well that Marcelo didn't mean it in any wrong way but I didn't like it when he said leave her for your sons. 'More like leave her for only one son!'

Father chuckled while she blushed crimson red. "Ofcourse not son. She's like a daughter to me." He said. "And besides even if I wanted to I couldn't have her because someone else already has an eye on her." As he said that he gave me a quick slide glance.

"Oh really and who's that someone is dad?" Marcos asked.

"Is that you Enzo?" Marcelo asked.

"What?! No. No way! I mean tesoro is obviously very beautiful but she's like a sister to me." Enzo said. I was a little surprised when he said that she was like a sister to him. 'Admit it that you're relieved now!'

"Well good for us. But who makes a beautiful girl their sister. I'd never." Marcelo said and then winked at her. She blushed again while I clenched my jaw. 'Marcelo's flirty behaviour never irritated you this much, what changed?' For fuck sake I was so done with my subconscious mind!

All of a sudden music got changed and got a little louder. People cheered and then one by one they started dancing with their partners.

"May I have this dance with you mia signora?" Marcelo said as he asked for her hand in dance. She hesitated but just for a bit as the moment Marcelo gave her his charming smile I could see her getting melted.
(My lady)

I involuntary narrowed my eyes at them when she placed her hand in his. My fists got tightened when I saw them walking towards the dance floor and then he ever so slightly like a gentleman placed his hand on her waist while her one hand was on his shoulder and other one in his hand.

"Do you want to dance with me?" Enzo teased as he now stood beside me. I noticed him sipping on his drink while amusingly looking towards her and Marcelo.

I didn't say anything and just gave him a hard look which obviously didn't affect him. I walked towards the bar and asked for scotch. The bartender gave me my drink and I gulp it down in one motion. I put the glass on the counter and asked for another drink. My eyes involuntary moved towards them dancing on the dance floor. I saw my brother whispering something in her ears to which she chuckled. I also noticed a little blush on her cheeks while my brother was continously grinning which was irritating the hell out of me!

I gulp down my other drink as well and then walked towards the dance floor.

Maya's P.O.V

Marcelo was a charmer, he sure knew how to charm his way into a girl's heart. His contagious smile and twinkling eyes where something no girl could resist. I still couldn't believe that he and his twin Marcos were blood-related to Massimo. I mean they were both handsome just like their older brother but they were more like their father, easy to talk with and less intimidating.

It surprised me how I got so comfortable with them even though I just met them. Both Marcos & Marcelo were twins but they both carried themselves differently. Where Marcos was surely handsome but he was more of a gentleman, on the other hand Marcelo was more of a flirt, naughty and mischievous kind of a guy.

Even though I didn't like to dance that much and that too with a stranger but when Marcelo asked me with his infamous smile, I couldn't resist and also he & Marcos looked harmless just like Enzo.

I must say Marcelo really knew how to dance and while we were dancing he kept talking even though most of them were silly things but he nonetheless made me chuckle.

"And then later I found out that he was actually gay." He said and laughed a little with me. Right now he was telling me about an incident about this guy who had come to one of his club one night. Long story short, that guy was continously flirting with him but he had thought he was some drunk guy. But he later found out that he wasn't drunk. He was gay and was actually interested in him.

"Well, I don't blame him. After all I'm so handsome & I attract not only females but males as well." He said smugly with a wink. "But I'd rather want a beautiful girl attracted to me than a guy. No offence though."

"So you don't have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Nope. This man is absolutely single and very much ready to mingle." He said amusingly.

A heavy clearing of throat sounded from our side. My smile fell a little when I looked towards the sound and my eyes collided with a pair of dark brown eyes.

"Brother." Marcelo said as soon as he noticed Massimo's presence.

"I want to talk something important with Maya. Could you give us a minute?" He said in his hard tone but not hard as usual. Maybe because he was talking to his brother.

I slightly narrowed my eyes at Massimo while he kept looking at his brother. Marcelo looked in between Massimo and I, I could see a slight smirk on Marcelo's lips. Massimo must've felt my gaze on him because he then looked at me, while I was still narrowing my eyes at him he was now staring straight into my eyes.

"Ofcourse brother." Marcelo finally said. He removed his hands from my waist and with a slight smirk still on his lips he placed my hand in Massimo's and then left us.

I snatched my hand away from his and folded my hands in front of my chest. Massimo came a little forward and then before I could say something he placed both of his hands around my waist. My eyes widened a bit as I looked up at him. Even though I was wearing heels but he still managed to tower over me with his height.

"What are you doing?" I said as I glared at him. I tried to get away from him but because my hands were folded in front they were kind of trapped in between us. Also, there were people around us and I didn't want to cause any scene.

"Don't fight. Put your hands on my shoulders. I just want to talk." He said while looking straight into my eyes. I tried to look away from his intense gaze, because of the close proximity his piercing gaze was doing things to me.

"How about you take your hands off of me because I don't want to talk." I whispered - yelled.

"So now you've problem with my hands on your body, but you didn't seem to have any problem when last time I put them around your waist." He said while still holding me. "And you also didn't seem to have any problem when I did more than just touching your body." He said in a husky voice. I knew that he was talking about the kiss. Jerk.

With his hands still around my waist he pulled me a little towards him causing me to unfold my hands and then I involuntary placed them on his shoulders. He smirked at me to which only I glared at him.

"Stop fighting mio amore." He said in his dark husky voice. I didn't realise when but our bodies started moving a little with the music. My traitorous body.

Martha's P.O.V

I felt a little bad for leaving Maya alone at the party. I knew she wasn't familiar with anyone there but Gabrielle and I had to look after some arrangements.

"Have you seen Maya? I left her a while ago but I couldn't see her anywhere." I asked Enzo the moment I entered the party. But before he could say something my eyes wandered towards two familiar faces and a wide smile came up on my face.

"Marcos, Marcelo is that really you?" Gabrielle asked what I wanted to. It was indeed the Romano twins. Both of them smiled up at us and then soon stood by our side.

"Oh it's been such a long time. How have you been? Don't you two miss your old ladies hmm?" Gabrielle said and I could see tears forming in her eyes. I mean I was happy to see them as well but Gaby could get emotional in every situation.

They both chuckled at the same time and then one by one hugged her. They then did the same to me.

"Oh aren't you two handsome young men!" I complimented.

"And aren't you two old ladies still hot as before!" The mischievous one Marcelo said.

"Where's Maya Enzo?" This time Gaby asked.

"Oh she is having an important conversation with big brother." Marcelo said amusingly to which I looked at him confusingly.

"Important conversation? Big brother? I don't understand." Gaby asked what I wanted to.

"You'll understand. Just look." With that Enzo pointed towards where people were dancing.

He pointed towards a couple and only then I noticed that it was none other than Massimo and Maya. They both were dancing and also standing too close with each other. An involuntary smile came up on my lips. I noticed not only me but all of us, Gaby, Enzo, Marcos and Marcelo were smiling as well.

"Didn't know that brother finally found the one for him." Marcos said amusingly.

"Don't say this in front of him if you want to go back to london in one piece." Enzo joked.

Marcos and Marcelo gave him a confused look.

"Why? Isn't it obvious that brother is very much into her." Marcelo asked.

"Yes he is. He knows that as well but you know how your brother is. He thinks with his second head than the actual one." Enzo exclaimed.

"In short your brother is in denial. Even though he feels differently but being the idiot that he is he'd never admit it." I said now a little irritatingly. 'Why can't he just let this sweet beautiful girl into his heart!?'

Massimo's P.O.V

I knew I wasn't the only one who was feeling something because of my hands holding her delicate waist. I noticed her trying to look at anywhere but me. Even though she was glaring at me and narrowing her eyes at me but I knew that our close proximity was doing same thing to her as it was to me.

She all of a sudden snickered. "You really didn't want to talk anything important, did you?" She asked. "You just wanted to get Marcelo away from me because you can't see me having a little good time with someone."

I didn't say anything. I just kept looking at her. The way she'd narrow her eyes at me, the way her cute little nose would wrinkle when she got irritated. I found myself getting mesmerised by her. I knew she was beautiful but because of our close proximity I could see her features up close. 'Look down a little, maybe you can see something even more beautiful.' I wanted to yell at my naughty subconscious mind for diverting my mind towards that.

I had been controlling myself from not wandering my eyes elsewhere because I knew if I did I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from doing something. Her presence alone would always intrigue me and do things to me, now that she was looking like this, with that dress & everything, it was only making things more difficult for me.

All of a sudden music got changed and a slow & sensual song started playing. The lights got dim as well and I could see the couples around starting to move slowly with their arms wrapped around their partner sensually. The atmosphere had gotten romantic all of a sudden. I looked back at her only to see her blushing a little while looking around as well.

I didn't know what came over me, I moved my hands from her waist towards her upper body. Then with a slight jerk I completely pressed my front with her. I heard her breath getting hitched and now with this much closeness I could feel her fast heartbeat. Mine was nothing different.

She was looking up at me with her gorgeous wide eyes. Her mouth was slightly opened and her lips those fucking luscious lips were parted. I could now also see her blush closely which for some reason had now got increased. Both of our heartbeats were in sink, beating faster. The music was still playing in the background, people were still dancing around but all of that got blurred and at that moment it was just her and me.
'Someone has turned into a poet!'

My eyes got darkened when I felt her delicate breasts pressed firmly against my chest. Even though the clothing was separating us but that didn't stop a certain part of my anatomy from not getting excited. 'Even with the clothes on they felt like this, just think about how they'd feel if I get to touch them bare.'

I groaned lowly as I closed my eyes and tried to not get a vision of what I was thinking in my mind. But it didn't help as an image of a very naked body of her popped in my head in which I was squeezing those breasts with my hands while pounding into her sweet little pussy.' Merda!

A clearing of throat took me out of my dirty thoughts. I released her body when I noticed that the music had gotten normal and not too many people were dancing now. I cleared my throat as well and looked away from her only to meet with the person who interrupted us.

"If you're done with your important conversation can you please come with us." Enzo teased as he gestured towards where my family was standing. I looked at them and they were all already looking in our direction.

I didn't say anything and just started walking towards them but not before giving her a quick glance.

"You too tesoro." Enzo said and I saw her resting her hand around his elbow but surprisingly this time it didn't irritate me. 'Maybe because you now know that she's like a sister to him.'

Maya's P.O.V

'What the hell happened?!' That was what I had been chanting in my mind since Enzo interrupted us from that little moment on the dance floor. I didn't know what was wrong with me! Why would I always let him come so close to me? All the other time I'd think about how to stay away from him and to not give his presence any importance. But the moment he came to me something inside me snapped and I'd get drawn into him especially in his dark brown eyes. He wouldn't talk that much but his eyes sure would do! They were very expressive.

I came out of my thoughts as we reached where all others were standing. I didn't know if it was just in my mind but I saw a look on their faces a similar look. It was a mix of happiness and mischief. It was as if they all shared a same secret. I shrugged inwardly and stood next to Martha and Gaby.

"We're sorry to leave you all by yourself mia cara." Gabrielle said once I reached their side.

"Although she wasn't that alone and sure had a company." Martha said smugly. I tried not to blush at her words because I knew what she meant.

"We saw you both dancing. I must say from the distance it looked like as if a couple was dancing." Gabrielle said with a smile and it wasn't like Martha's naughty smirk.

"I second that. The way you two were dancing so closely, it looked like as if a romantic couple was dancing." Martha said.

"Who's talking about a romantic couple?" Marcelo asked and came to our side with Marcos following behind. Enzo, Mr. Romano and Massimo were talking to some people and with the look on their faces, it looked important.

"Oh nothing we were just talking about Massimo and Maya." Martha said. 'Can they please stop taking his & my name in a same sentence?'

"What about them and romantic couple?" Marcos asked. I noticed Marcelo giving his brother a smirk and then doing same with the old ladies.
'Why do I feel like something is fishy?'

"What are you people talking about?" Ugh not again! This time it was Mr. Romano. I noticed him coming towards us and following him were Enzo and Massimo.

I didn't realise but a slight groan escaped my mouth and both Marcos and Marcelo chuckled at the same time. Now, they all were standing with us. So, it was now all of us standing together.

"Oh nothing we were just talking about big brother and Maya." Marcelo said the same thing what Martha had said to him just a while ago.

At the mention of his name, ok not exactly his name but he knew by big brother Marcelo meant Massimo, he looked at his brother.

"Massimo and Maya? What about them?" Mr. Romano asked. 'Oh god please, I want to be anywhere but here!'

"Nothing Signore, we were just talking-" Martha paused as she gave me a side glance. "-about how beautiful Maya look, doesn't she?" I sighed inwardly. 'Thanks Martha for not making it embarrassing for me.'

"Yes! She sure does. There is no doubt in that." Mr. Romano exclaimed. Thank god he didn't ask anything about why they had mentioned Massimo's name.

"You know she reminds me of someone." This time Gaby said and I noticed her voice getting a little croaked.

Even though she didn't mention the name but by the look on their faces it looked like as if they all understood who she was talking about, their faces got sad all of a sudden except one person, Massimo. His face if possible got darker and I noticed him clenching his jaw.

'Whoever this person is, he/she looks important.'


Oh my goodness! Such a long chapter! This is the longest chapter I've ever written! The word count is 6000! 😩

And.....it's a double update! Well, what a coincidence today's actually his birthday! 🎂
"A very happy birthday Michele Morrone :)"

So, what do you have to say about this chapter?
Was it boring/tyring to read such a long chapter?

I've introduced two new characters. The 'Romano twins', Marcos and Marcelo. Did you like them? If you want to see how they look like go to A/N in the beginning of the book. But if you want you can always imagine whoever you like!

We got to see some closeness between Massimo and Maya. What do you have to say about that?

Also, who was the person that Gabrielle mentioned about in the end? And why Massimo was the only one who got angry?

Apologies for any errors and mistakes.

PLEASE VOTE 🌟 It takes just a second but it gives me immense joy! 😁

Thank you! 💕
All the love

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