my Ocs

By Tavosha

7.7K 53 11.6K

just a book that is going to hold all of my ocs eventually lol and also for roleplay More

Malachi Clearcreek
Curious little
"I'm not Crazy!"
"I have a few tests to run"
Family rp
twilight oc
Creepypasta oc
DC oc
Fairy Tail oc
Blue Excorcist OC
"Ghosts arent scary"
Crime Pays and i got mouths to feed
"I'm not a wimp!"
The Doctor Is In
Sub 2
Alpha Pup
Next Gen Fairy Tail
Next Gen Blue Exorcist
Next Gen Criminal Minds
Criminal minds oc two
Rich Daddy
"I'm the Best"
Bratty Patient
Lucifer Oc
Werewolf Sub
Cop Dad
The Bad Kid
The Clutz
Drill Sargent Daddy
Tough guy
The Monster
Little Monster
Robot Kid
Vampire Dad
Child of the Night
"I'm the Captain"
"My Bark is Worse then my Bite"
Apocalypse survivor
Apocalypse Disaster
"Quiet little"
Little Boss
Villain sub
Hero Dom
Fake it Till you Make It
KND oc
Monster Parent
Adopted by a Monster?
Resident Evil OC
Sly Fox
Fairy Tail Oc two
Vamp Kid
Blue Exorcist next gen oc 2
Fairy of Light
Dark Fairy

Criminal Minds Oc

324 1 1.3K
By Tavosha

Name:"Oh hi there, my names Talon Greene" Talon Tiberius Greene

Age:"I'm a whole 28 years"

Gender/Gender identity:"I'm a guy last time I checked" Male

Sexuality:"That's sorta personal, get me a drink first at least" Bi

Species:"I'm totally a werewolf" Human

Personality:"I've been called quirky a couple of times" Talon is a rather joyous and positive person. He's a jokester at heart and loves pulling pranks on people. He has trouble being serious though that's if he doesn't view the topic as something important. He's got a smart alec mouth and doesn't always know when to keep his mouth shut. He's heard headed and doesn't always think before he acts. He wants to do right by people and be useful. He secretly has a low self esteem and covers the fact up by acting confident and loud. he also has trouble sitting still, He's the type to always want to be on the go unless really tired or in a lazy mood something that never really happens

Likes:"Oh I don't even know where to begin. There's just so many things" Talon likes a whole lot of things. He enjoys hiking, art, his job, pranks, videogames, toys, hey he can't help it some toys are just so cool. He also enjoys movies from time to time, and working out so it's not uncommon for him to be at the gym, especially if he doesn't have anything else going on. 

Dislikes:"I mean not many, but I hate brustle sprouts, and sausage, who ever invented sausage made a huge mistake" as noted above Talon can't stand Brustle sprouts or sausage. He doesn't like most vegetables as a rule, however brustle sprouts are the worst. He also can't stand stuck up people or snobs always having some remarks for them that aren't the nicest. He's not the biggest fan of pink, he hates hates crickets, he will change his entire route of a cricket is in his way

Hobbies:"I have many, I can't just stick to a couple" Talon has many hobbies some of those being things such as working out, videogames, testing out the cool toys he's bought, pulling pranks, hiking, biking, art just to name a few

Habits:"I bite my lip when I'm nervous" lip biting, tapping his foot, whistling

Position:"Oh uh… Uh…" Uke

Occupation:"I'm a detective, believe it or not" Detective

Do they have children?:"Not yet, but maybe someday" no

Family:"I have my mom and pops, and my baby sister. I don't get to talk to my big brother very much"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"yeah, a couple" He's got one on his side, a few on his back and one that goes right over his stomach down to the left side of his hip

Do they have tattoos?:"I wish, haven't had time to go get one though" not currently

Do they have piercings, if so where?:"No piercings aren't really my thing"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:nope


Backstory:"I had a typical childhood… Mostly" Talon grew up in a rather normal family, at least for the most part. His older brother always has issues, but usually was fine and a happy kid. Growing up Talon had some difficulty in school, he had issues making friends with the other kids and suffered bullying because of it. He managed to make a small group of friends and many of them he still talks to and hangs out with to this day. Some problems began arising however when his little sister was born. For some reason this had set something off in his brother and the boy began becoming more violent. He often times targeted Talon and one of the last straws landed Talon in the ER after his brother had come at him with a knife. His parents no longer able to take care of his brother properly had him sent to a mental institution to get the help he needed. Things were tense after that and the boy simply did his best to make things better for his family often times being the one to try and make a situation light and happy. He graduated with his class and soon after started working on becoming a full fledged detective succeeding in his goal

Weaknesses:"Oh I guess crickets… But don't tell anybody" crickets, his lack of filter, his family

Fears:"I'm not going to lie… Clowns are kinda creepy" once again Crickets he hates those things, clowns creep him out a little, his brother

Worst memory:The day his Brother attacked him

Best memory:Becoming a detective

One thing they could not live without:His family, and pranks there just so fun

Crush:Aaron Hotchner


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:Ddlb, Master/pet, roughness, spanking, hair pulling, praise whatever his dom likes

Turn offs:gross bodily fluids, feet, anything his dom doesn't like


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