Blue Excorcist OC

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Species:Half demon

Gender: Male


Appearance:Pic above

Likes:Guns, swords, ramen, cartoons, games, learning how things work, amusement parks, Mephisto, art, demons, Music, night, parties, getting his way, attention

Dislikes:The hot, having nothing to do, being seen as bad or evil for what he is, bright colors, being yelled at, ghenna

Personality:Jaxon despite his appearance is actually a pretty caring and a bit childish. He is usually pretty sweet though does have a mischievous streak. He can be a bit selfish and loves getting his way growing upset when he doesn't. He is very stubborn and once his mind is set it is nearly impossible for it to be changed. He's not the most composed person out there and so he often times doesn't do well in formal settings and can be a bit immature at times. When he's betrayed he becomes a very vindictive and holds a grudge

Family: Unknown

Backstory:Find out in rp


Weakness(es)/Fears:He has a slight fear of the dark, and isn't very fond of closed in spaces. He can be overly trusting at times


Type of exorcist:Knight and Dragoon

Weapon(optional):Sword, guns, Ice ability


Reason for joining the cram school(Optional):reasons he doesn't talk about ((find out in rp))

Anything extra:He was an orphan as a child and so doesn't know his parents at all, and has just recently discovered he's a half demon though has always been able to see other demons

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