Apocalypse survivor

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Name:"Hello, what's a little thing like you doing Out all by yourself

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Name:"Hello, what's a little thing like you doing Out all by yourself. It's dangerous you know" Carter Grayson

Age:"How about you come with me, I'll get you somewhere safe" 31

Gender/Gender identity:"I know you're probably scared, maybe in shock but I'm pretty sure it's clear I'm male love" Male

Sexuality:"Hmm? Cute though I don't see how that pertains to our current predicament" Bisexual

Species:"I'm human don't worry nothing scary" Human

Personality:"Well you'll get to know me well soon enough sweetheart" Carter is a flirt through and through, he enjoys flustering people and has a rather easy going attitude most times. That's not to say he doesn't know when to be serious, in fact when it comes time to be he is very much so. He has a few rules he lives by, don't mess with people, don't get screwed, and stay by your word. He is honest and will tell you what you need to hear even if you don't want to hear it. He can be rather stubborn he likes things to go as planned and while he is flexible if the end goal of his plan doesn't pan out he gets irritated. He's rather cocky though he isn't the judgmental type he's just very confident in himself and his own abilities.

Likes:"You're rather chatty… I'm not complaining it's adorable, though perhaps we should talk about this when we're safe" Carter enjoys action, he loves the thrill of a mission and helping those in need. He likes when the shelter has enough supplies for everyone. He also likes dogs and cats they're very good at giving forewarning to a zombie horde making their way towards you. He enjoys nature especially during spring, spring brings new life and the weather begins to warm up which makes life easier.

Dislikes:"Those good for nothing zombies, let's not worry about that though let's focus on getting to the shelter"  He hates zombies with a passion he kills any and all he sees. He can't stand corrupt individuals. The world is hard enough without them making it harder. He doesn't like when they're low on supplies and he doesn't like winters. It makes life harder. He doesn't like people who act carelessly it makes it hard to keep them safe

Hobbies:"Not many hobbies to do anymore" he writes, draws, goes on the occasional hike, works out he needs to stay in tip top shape. He also enjoys taking out zombies

Habits:"I've been told I grit my teeth when stressed" gritting his teeth, scratching under his chin

Position:"Ooh what a forward question" Top

Occupation:"Used to be a forensic scientist now I help where I can"

Do they have children?:"Never got around to having any and can't imagine having them now during this apocalypse"

Family:"I'd rather not talk about them" 


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"Of course a few though the one over my eye is the only visible one" all over his body from missions

Do they have tattoos?:"Maybe… We'll have to get more acquainted before I show you" on his hip, it's of a dragon

Do they have piercings, if so where?"Nope never really wanted any" none

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:His right eye is a lightish blue grey


Backstory:"Before the apocalypse I was a forensic scientist, made decent money, had a good life" find out in rp

Weaknesses:"Can't have to many in this day and age" he can't really see out of his right eye

Fears:"Dying I suppose" death, especially dying due to a zombie horde.

Worst memory:"The apocalypse, and everything after pretty much" rest in rp

Best memory:"Eh really I can't choose" find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:"My gun and knives they come in handy"


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:"You're rather forward, I don't think you're ready for this kind of knowledge" Ddlb, Dom/sub, affection, aftercare, discipline, hair pulling, and the usual, plus what his sub likes

Turn offs:"Hmm I don't have many, but I'll follow yours love" Gross bodily fluids, choking, the usual and what his sub doesn't like


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