Malachi Clearcreek

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name:Malachi Clearcreek

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name:Malachi Clearcreek






Looks:Pic above

Outfits:he dresses either really nice or overly casual there is no in between when it comes to him though he typically chooses to dress nice

Personality:Malachi is strong willed and stubborn as a mule, he rarely ever changes his mind once it's set and if he does, does so begrudgingly. He is rather cocky which often times lands him into fights, though he has plenty of self doubt. For those he cares about, he protects dearly and treats them right always putting their needs above his own.

Birthday:September 8th

Likes:Rubies, his friends and family, bragging, sweets lots and lots of sweets, food in general, the dragon that taught him his magic

Dislikes:those who pick on the weak, losing, bitter foods, and those he cares about getting hurt

Magic: 1st gen Ruby Dragon slayer

Uses:The user can form an outer armor like layer of ruby and can also form weapons and eat said material though its not often around so he carries a bag of them with him which proves to be quite expensive. The user can also breath out small shrapnel's of rubies at his opponents.

((Will probably make a better version later being lazy right now XD))

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