The Monster

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Name:"Get lost, I have nothing to say to you" Igor Creatious

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Name:"Get lost, I have nothing to say to you" Igor Creatious

Age:"What's it to you? Are you bored or something?" He appears to be in his early thirties. His real age is unknown

Gender/Gender identity:"Fine, fine I'll humor you until we get you somewhere safe. I'm a guy" male

Sexuality:"Some of these questions are getting personal. Weren't you taught manners?" Bisexual

Species:"Clearly not human" Monster

Personality:"I don't know. Just enough with the questions let's have a normal conversation" Igor comes off as a bit of a jerk. He is brass and callous when you first meet him, though he's really a nice guy. He puts on a front but if someone needs help he's typically the first to offer it. He's not the best at social settings, though this is just due to a lack of practice. He is stubborn and set in his ways, though he does listen to others. He can be a bit strict at times with people he feels responsible for, but he just wants what's best for them and to keep them out of harms way.

Likes:"The forest, order that sorta thing" Igor likes when things are organized and neat. He's not the biggest fan of a chaotic environment and so does his best to keep everything picked up. He also likes the forest, it's a rather peaceful place and he usually doesn't have to worry about running into other people there. He enjoys a good steak from time to time, though eats a rather healthy diet made up of veggies and proteins. He likes when people don't run away from him in fear, even though he might not show it. He also likes when the people he cares about don't do reckless things that endanger themselves.

Dislikes:"People who are afraid of me, or who think I'm an abomination" He hates when people are truly afraid of him. He understands why, but he wishes more people would give him a chance. He also doesn't like the people who want to capture and study him. Honestly if they want to know something they could just ask. He dislikes most sweet things, fruit being the exception. He's not a fan of the cold and so always bundles up a lot during winter time

Hobbies:"The usual I guess. When are these questions going to end?" He enjoys walking around the woods, movies especially action. He also enjoys watching the stars, and if he knows there's going to be meator shower or something similar he plans to watch them. He enjoys gambling, though he doesn't get to do it quite often and he also enjoys hunting

Habits:"Ugh if I answer this will you stop?" He has a habit of constantly multitasking. With four arms he almost always seems to be doing two or more things at once. He also has a habit of being a bit to gruff around other people

Position:"Woah alright enough!" Top

Occupation:"kind of hard to work when you look like this" nope

Do they have children?:"You're kidding?" No

Family:"Who knows"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"I mean a few. Most were just accidents" a few scattered across his body though not many

Do they have tattoos?:"Yeah, are you blind?"

Do they have piercings, if so where? "yeah my ears are done"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:Nope


Backstory:"Don't really have much of one. Don't know where I came from and spend most of my time alone"

Weaknesses:"Now why would I tell you that?" Bright lights are annoying and he has a tendency of losing his temper

Fears:"I guess being alone forever" he's also afraid of flying

Worst memory:"Don't really have one set one"

Best memory:"The one time I ran into a group of hikers. They landed out being pretty cool"

One thing they could not live without:"The forest it offers me refuge from the rest of the world"


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:the usual, and whatever his sub likes

Turn offs:the usual


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