"Ghosts arent scary"

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Name: "My name? Sure It's Rasputin Graves"Age:"Im only 9

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Name: "My name? Sure It's Rasputin Graves"
Age:"Im only 9... At least I think"
Gender/Gender identity:"Im a boy, I don't look like a girl do I?" Male
Species:"Well I'm still alive so Human"
Personality:"I get called weird a lot" Rasputin is a very troublesome boy. He doesn't always mean to be, but he finds himself in trouble a lot and he'll blame it on a ghost saying it wanted him to follow it or he was just making friends with them. Of course if that's not that reason he often likes to sneak out at night and go down to the graveyards to look around and have some fun. He's a very curious child and sometimes this curiosity can be a bit morbid finding interest in dead things or things like demons and other dark mythologies. He's a very caring young man and despite being picked on a lot tries his best to see the good in everyone. He can be a bit outspoken talking back even when he shouldn't, and he has a problem with wanting to be right about everything
Likes:"I like tons of stuff... But I usually only tell my ghost friends" Ghosts, Graveyards, Nighttime, Stuffed animals, Being Right, Mythologies, Things seen as evil or Taboo, Playing, Toys, Exploring new places, Creepy things, Snakes, Bugs, Opossums, Raccoons, Dark colors, Art
Dislikes:"Bullies... But I'm sure they're good people deep down" Bullies, People who call him weird, Being in trouble, Not being allowed to go out at night, Bright colors, Being wrong, Being told to shut up, Being pushed, Not being allowed to go to the graveyard, vegetables, Death, Bathes/Showers
Hobbies:"I like to Draw and play, and do lots of stuff" Drawing, Playing, Exploring, Reading mythologies, Reading Eulogies, sculpting, collecting things
Habits:"I sometimes bite my nails" nail biting, wringing his hands, talking to "himself", arguing
Occupation:"Does school count?"
Are they successful?:"I guess so.. Maybe... I don't know"
Do they have children?:"What? I'm only Nine I'm a kid"
Hair color:Same as pic
Eye color:Same as pic
Do they have scars?:"I don't want to answer that" One on his Knee and two on his back, he doesn't talk about
Do they have tattoos?:"I gotta Birthmark on leg does that count?" None
Do they have piercings, if so where?:"Well Mama said something about getting me one in my ear... But then she went to sleep" nope
Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:nope ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Backstory:Rasputin was born to a widowed mother who fell into a deep depression. No ones quite sure who looked after the boy and kept him alive during this since his mother was usually to out of it to take care of him herself. When she had good days she would dote on the boy and give him everything he wanted and it was those days Rasputin looked forward to as he got older and could start remembering and understanding things. One day while playing in the living room, his mother was upstairs having a depressive episode. Of course Rasputin didn't know this to busy playing with his Ghost friends, he had known him his whole life and they where the reason the boy had made it so far in life. A few hours later when he gone up to get his mother he found her dead, the woman having killed herself. The poor boy spent days by himself eating what little he was able to make for himself. When social services finally found him he was immediately taken where he was soon placed into the foster care system. Due to his irregular personality he spent a lot of his time jumping from home to home
Weaknesses:his ability to see ghosts since other people find him weird because of it
Fears:Dying, and Water
Worst memory:The day his mom dies
Best memory:One of his moms good days where she took him out for a whole day of fun
One thing they could not live without:His Teddy bear Raven ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

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