"My Bark is Worse then my Bite"

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Name:"Oh hey there, what do ya want?" Edward James Killion the third

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Name:"Oh hey there, what do ya want?" Edward James Killion the third. Usually goes by EJ

Age:"Old enough to know to young to give a damn" 24

Gender/Gender identity:"I'm a guy stupid" Male

Sexuality:"Why? You interested? If so I like to be wined and dined first" Gay

Species:"I'm a pretty, pretty Pegasus" Human

Personality:"I'm charismatic as hell" EJ is a rather blunt and crash individual. He says what's on his mind and doesn't care who he offends or upsets. He's very much a brat he loves getting into mischief and can be rather cunning. He can be a bit hard to get along with, his smart mouth and stubborn head often getting him into some form of trouble. He is very chatty though unless he likes you his words are either smart mouthed or monotone. He is very much a troublemaker and doesn't seem to really care about much but himself and a select few people. If he had it his way he'd never work a day in his life he'd rather laze about and if he does get out he wants to party or goof off. He's the kind of puppy to get into anything and everything if you're not watching, he will mock you when he feels like it and he enjoys getting under your skin. There are times when he behaves himself and becomes super cuddly though he has to really care about you to do this.

Likes:"Drugs, Alcohol, and parties. You know the good life" EJ enjoys messing around and spending his days doing what he wants. He smokes, drinks, and partakes in other activities that he probably shouldn't. He has on more than one occasion done graffiti or otherwise defaced public property with his friends. He loves to party and does so as often as possible. He goes to the skate park from time to time and either just hangs out or actually does a few tricks off his skateboard. He loves TV especially action shows and anime, and though he doesn't usually admit it he does enjoy cartoons. He likes toys, especially ones that squeak or that he can chew on. He enjoys being called a good boy despite the fact that he gets himself in so much trouble. He also likes wearing girly clothes and make up at times. Find out the rest in rp

Dislikes:"Posers, people who act like they're to good For You, police" EJ hates being treated less then just because he's different. He also hates posers pretending to be who they aren't. He's much less likely to judge you so harshly if your true to yourself even if he can't stand you. He hates being in serious trouble and being scolded. He hates being made fun of, teasing and humiliation are one thing when with his partner, but to be truly made fun of ticks him off. He doesn't care for the cups, though to be fair he hasn't had a very good experience with them and they him. He hates thunder and lightning, and while he hates that he can't swim he'd like to learn

Hobbies:"Well I like to party, break the law, that sorta thing. What's with the interrogation you a cop or something?" He enjoys going to the skate park, Skating on his skateboard. He will binge watch his favorite shows for hours. He breaks the law rather often, nothing overly serious but enough to get in trouble if he's caught. Find out the rest in rp

Habits:"I cuss like a sailor does that count?" He has no filter, he cusses frequently, and he picks at his teeth and nails

Position:"heh, thats personal take a guy out for drinks first" bottom

Occupation:"Ugh i work at a stupid convient store"

Do they have children?:"ha of course not. Me and kids? I'm like the cool uncle never the dad"

Family:"Who needs them, they threw me out they don't matter" find out in rp


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"yeah so what plenty of people go scars" several all in various locations across his body

Do they have tattoos?:"yeah, but I ain't telling you where" his lower back, it's of some vines and roses a fox centered in the middle

Do they have piercings, if so where?"Yeah duh can you not see them?" Same as pic

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance: he often has headphones around his shoulders.


Backstory:"The past Should stay in the past" find out in rp

Weaknesses:"I have none baby" his lack of filter, his crass personality, his fear of thunder and lightning

Fears:"pfft life is full of things to fear but I don't have no fears. I'm fearless" thunder and lightning

Worst memory:"like I said the past should stay in the past especially this memory" find out in rp

Best memory:"Eh there was the time Jimmy Franky and I tagged an important building that was fun"

One thing they could not live without:"cigarettes and energy drinks" he also would be lost without his toys


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:same as usual plus what his Dom likes

Turn offs:same as usual plus what his Dom doesnt like


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