Villain sub

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Name:"My name? You don't deserve my name

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Name:"My name? You don't deserve my name. Besides you won't be around much longer anyways and you have my villain name anyways. Much better I'd say." Casimir Treks usually goes by cas for short, when in public. However in his villain alter ego he goes by Malice.

Age:"Such a rude question." 23

Gender/Gender identity:"Now you're just being mean" Male

Sexuality:"You interested? Sorry but I don't date heroes." Bi

Species:"Why would I tell you that? Seems foolish to me" Superhuman

Personality:"I'm just rainbows and sunshine of course. It's not my fault no one here knows how to have any fun" Casimir is a ruthless and cold hearted individual. He takes what he wants, when he wants it not caring who or what he hurts along the way. Anyone who gets in his way is seen as a simple causality in his eyes. He doesn't really care about anyone but himself and his wants. He comes off as a smart mouthed cunning jerk that most people don't care for. He can be nice, though unless he likes you this is definitely a ploy to gain your trust and later stab you in the back. Sometimes he has no reason for the chaos he starts simply enjoying the effects of his actions. He isn't the type to take accountability for his actions and will even go far as to sometimes throw them on someone else he's tricked. He's rather smart though his ego can get the better of him at times and he isn't the best team player unless he's the one in charge. He's a downright brat and doesn't care that he is one

Likes:"I like frustrating you, when you lose, when you fail. I love seeing the defeat in your eyes" Casimir put simply loves to win, he loves chaos, and he loves causing others heartache and grief. He likes to manipulate people and even makes a game of it for himself whenever he gets bored. He loves snakes and other creatures often deemed creepy or weird by society. He loves his stuffed snake Ouroboros. And his stuffed spider Fluffy. He enjoys cartoons, usually ones that have a darker undertone, bright and cheerful cartoons usually get boring fast. He also likes playing games, a good way to gain his attention is to mention playing a game

Dislikes:"I hate when you ruin my fun, when everyone cheers for you. I hate that you get to play the hero just because you were blessed with a power that allows it." He hates heroes, no ones that good at least he doesn't believe so. He hates when he loses. If there's one way to make him lose his temper it's beating him at his own game. He doesn't like his normal day to day life and often can't wait to go off and change into his villain alter ego. He dislikes the cold quite a bit, if he has to go out in it he wears layers of clothes, of course this is only in his normal day to day, otherwise he just uses his villain suit which he's engineered to stay at a comfortable temperature no matter the weather.

Hobbies:"Stealing, speeding, pretty much doing whatever I want is my hobby" He enjoys causing chaos and often watches what his actions cause. He enjoys watching cartoons, he enjoys playing games no matter the game and often times likes adding stakes to the game.

Habits:"Why would I tell you my habits? That would just allow you to better know me, which in turn would make it easier for you to defeat me" he has a habit of not knowing when enough is enough, he also has a habit of getting smart mouthed replies to questions that irk him or that he finds stupid

Position:"Excuse me? That's a very personal question and one you will never know the answer of. Sucks doesn't it, how fun for me" Uke

Occupation:"I'm a villain duh" Villain

Do they have children?:"Of course not. children? Never.

Family:"Family? Who cares about family they were never there for me and now they're out of my life"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"I mean you've caused a few of them during our fights so I'd think you'd know I have some" several across his back. A few on his sides and a few on his knees from falling

Do they have tattoos?:"You must have suddenly gone blind" same as pic

Do they have piercings, if so where?"I was thinking about getting one on my ear but then got a little bit of my tattoo there instead

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:His eyes are serpentine


Backstory:find out in rp

Weaknesses:"You must be crazy if you think I'll give you that" His ego often gets the best of him

Fears:"I'm not afraid of anything" he is actually deathly afraid of dogs

Worst memory:"any time I lose to the likes of you" find out in rp

Best memory:find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His stuffed animals

One thing they could not live without:His stuffed animals

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Powers:Casimir has the ability to pull out people's darkest thoughts and desires using them to slowly eat away at their minds poisoning them mentally instead of physically

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Powers:Casimir has the ability to pull out people's darkest thoughts and desires using them to slowly eat away at their minds poisoning them mentally instead of physically. With one touch he can cause a person to feel strongly about their darkest desires and act on them and he often sways them any which way he desires. He does this until the person is simply a husky of their former selves, only then does he choose to release them and oftentimes then not this leads to a slow demise for the victim. Of course his powers aren't without flaw, he tends to be able to use his powers better on people who's mental state has been somehow impaired either through a traumatic event, alcohol, strong emotions, etc. People who have a clear mind seem to be more able to resist especially if they know he's the cause of the emotions.


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:same as usual

Turn offs:Same as usual


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