Blue Exorcist next gen oc 2

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Name:"Names Toby" Tobias Pheles

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Name:"Names Toby" Tobias Pheles


Gender/Gender identity:Male


Species:Demon hybrid

Personality:Toby is a rather feisty child who doesn't like to play by the rules. He hasn't had the most structured upbringing. His mother was his only caretaker for a while and she was rather lax. He is a rather sarcastic individual and stubborn as can be. Find out the rest in rp

Likes:Exploring, video games, toys, his stuffed bat Oroboros, cartoons, board games, pranks

Dislikes:Rules, Being told he's too little to do things, being in trouble, vegetables, find out the rest in rp

Hobbies:Playing games, Exploring, pulling pranks, swimming, play fighting

Habits:He has a habit of swinging his tail back and forth when he's upset


Are they successful?:Can be

Do they have children?:No


Hair color:Same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:Just a couple of small ones from falls and accidents

Do they have tattoos?:No

Do they have piercings, if so where?:No

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:his eyes are slitted and they glow when he's upset


Backstory:Find out in rp

Weaknesses:Find our in rp

Fears:He's afraid of spiders

Worst memory:Find out in rp

Best memory:Find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His stuffed animal Oroboros 

One thing they could not live without:His stuffed animal Oroboros 

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