Werewolf Sub

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Name:"Why do you care?" Luca Blu

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Name:"Why do you care?" Luca Blu

Age:"I've lost track" 1000+

Gender/Gender identity:"I know my hairs sorta long but I'm clearly a dude" Male

Sexuality:"Why does that matter to you? What's with the questions?" Gay

Species:"I'm a wolf" Werewolf

Personality:"My personality solely depends on who you are" Luca is a rather abrasive individual. He doesn't get along with others very easily and he has a bit of a temper. He's a rather curious creature and when he's feeling like exploring he has the habit of wandering off and doing as he pleases. He loves nature and feels the most at ease when he's out in it. If he cares about you he becomes a very loyal and carrying person. He will sacrifice his own happiness for you and will always be there for you. He's headstrong and doesn't admit defeat easily. He is rather cunning and very calculating, he thinks things through before he does them and is the type to use his intelligence to outwit others.

Likes:"I like the forest and night time" Luca enjoys the night, for starters it's easier on his eyes and he's just always been drawn to it. He also enjoys the forest, the fresh air, the smell of the earth, he enjoys everything about it. He also loves meat, any kind he's happy, and because he's a werewolf he can eat it both cooked and raw. He enjoys hunting and fishing as well, though he prefers hunting much more. He likes cute things and is always out collecting or buying them

Dislikes:"Anything and everything bitter" Luca hates bitter food, mostly due to the fact that His senses are much more acute. He also doesn't like most veggies and he can't stand greens the most since those sort of veggies tend to be more bitter then others. Another thing he doesn't like are snobbish people, He's always disliked them and isn't the type to hold his tongue when around them. He hates bright lights and he's not the biggest fan of most vampires, though there are a couple of exceptions.

Hobbies:"I don't know, I explore, run around, collect things" Luca enjoys running through the forest in his werewolf form, he also enjoys swimming and often times will stop to do so in a stream to help cool off after a run through the woods. He also enjoys a good hunt, and if he feels like relaxing he enjoys fishing. Luca also likes to collect cute things and has quite the collection. 

Habits:"...." He has a habit of staring at people and things when he gets lost in thought, he over thinks quite a bit, and he has a habit of wandering off

Position:"err… Uh well that's personal" uke

Occupation:"I'm between jobs at the moment"

Do they have children?:"Nope, and I probably never will"

Family:"It's best to not talk about them. Let them rest in peace"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"Well I don't scar very easily, but I have a couple" he has a few on his shins, and a couple on his sides

Do they have tattoos?:"Nope"

Do they have piercings, if so where?"that's also a nope"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:He has a werewolf form that he shifts into quite frequently.

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:He has a werewolf form that he shifts into quite frequently

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Backstory:"My family was killed by a group of vampires, that's all you need to know" find out in rp

Weaknesses:"pfft why would I tell you that?" Bright lights, his loyalty can be a downfall if given to the wrong person. 

Fears:"I'm afraid of grubs and maggots things like that, they're so gross. Other bugs don't bother me though" like stated he's afraid of grub like bugs. He also is afraid of fire

Worst memory:"The day my family died"

Best memory:"When I learned to hunt with my father, it feels like such a long time ago"

One thing they could not live without:Meat, his intelligence has also saved him more then one time


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:"Again that's personal" ddlb, pet play, rules, punishments, leash and collar, bondage, humiliation, hair pulling, praise,what his Dom likes and more

Turn offs:"Ugh stop asking these personal questions" the usual plus what his Dom doesn't like


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