Fake it Till you Make It

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Name:"It's Damon Creed

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Name:"It's Damon Creed. Nice to meet ya sweetheart" Damon Creed

Age:"Why's it matter I'm old enough to know and young enough not to care" 26

Gender/Gender identity:"Well I'm a guy. I figured that was clear enough" Male

Sexuality:"I like what I like" Pan

Species:"Human always been human ain't nothing else" Werewolf

Personality:"We can go on a date and you can find out. Don't worry I'll lead" Damon is a very flirty individual, and he's always in control, or at least that's what he likes to portray. He's the type to insist that he's in charge, and goes out of his way at times to try and prove it. He's rather relaxed most of the time at least on the surface, though underneath he often second guesses himself. He gets along with most people, not one to usually cause drama unless his dominance is questioned and then he becomes defensive and upset. He loves being the center of attention and he can usually be found in a crowd usually being the loudest one there. He can be rather sarcastic at times, and he doesn't have much of a filter

Likes:"Many things, wanna go get a drink and find out?" He likes going to parties and having a good time. He likes people, in his eyes the more the merrier. He insists he likes being in charge, he also likes showing off quite a bit. He enjoys going surfing from time to time whenever he's able to go to the beach. When he can't or when in a landlocked area he likes to skateboard. Find out the rest in rp

Dislikes:"Feeling alone I suppose, but I've got lots of friends so no worries there" He hates when his dominance is questioned or challenged. He also hates being alone for too long. A little bit here and there is fine, but ultimately he prefers to be around others. He hates being lied to, though is a bit of a hypocrite since he tends to lie when he thinks it can help his situation or make him look better. He doesn't care for the cold much, preferring warmer weather. Find out the rest in rp

Hobbies:"You can be my new hobby" He enjoys surfing/skateboarding, swimming is another hobby of his. He also enjoys binge watching shows and usually does this during the colder seasons. He enjoys cooking quite a bit and it isn't uncommon for him to make some extravagant meals or experiment in the kitchen. Find out the rest in rp

Habits:"Besides being great…. I suppose I have a habit of saying what's on my mind" he has no filter he blurts out what's on his mind without thought nine times out of ten. He also has a habit of getting defensive when he feels like he's being questioned. Find out the rest in rp

Position:"I'm a top of course" portrays a dominant top is actually a submissive switch who leans towards bottom

Occupation:"For the most part I just look after my pack, I'm a guard… But I also do other things from time to time" he is a guard for his pack and takes odd end jobs when not on guard duty

Do they have children?:"Me children? I haven't settled down yet love" nope

Family:"My Pa was a guard and my Ma was a scout. They were great. Ma passed last year and Pa wasn't to far behind her. I'm their only child"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:None as of yet

Do they have tattoos?:None

Do they have piercings, if so where?yes in his ears

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:He is heterochromatic 


Backstory:Find out in rp

Weaknesses:"I'm perfect doll, I don't got none" he gets defensive rather easily, and flusters pretty easily too

Fears:"Everyone's got fears but I'd rather not talk about mine" he's afraid of failing his pack and those he cares about

Worst memory:When his parents passed Away

Best memory:find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His pack


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:Same as usual

Turn offs:Same as usual


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