Fairy of Light

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Name:Gale Flame

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Name:Gale Flame


Gender/Gender identity:Male



Personality:Gale is a rather stoic and respectable individual. He enjoys the finer things in life, but is one to lend a helping hand when needed. He takes pride in his community and kingdom and has fought alongside his brethren in the war. He isn't the type to be messed with always one to follow through. He isn't unnecessarily cruel and is a fair and just man. When he has some free time he's rather relaxed and fun loving, he isn't against attending the occasional party and he is always up to participate in various activities and games.

Likes:Gale like states earlier enjoys the finer things in life, he tends to enjoy a good flight around the forest as well as enjoying a nice stroll through the garden. He enjoys reading quite a bit and when he's not out and about he's more then likely in reading

Dislikes:Gale Isn't a fan of disorder, he'd rather things be organized and orderly. He also doesn't care for the dark fairies finding them disruptive and hard to deal with. That being said he doesn't go out of his way to harm them either. During battle of course be goes all out, but otherwise he tends to leave them alone. He also isn't a fan of beets

Hobbies:He enjoys flying, hiking, the occasional party, and reading.

Habits:He has a habit of fluttering his wings a bit when upset



Do they have children?:No

Family:Find out in rp


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:A few from battle

Do they have tattoos?:No

Do they have piercings, if so where?No

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:His wings are a light golden color with little specks of blue throughout


Backstory:Find out in rp

Weaknesses:At times he can be to forgiving

Fears:He is afraid of failure

Worst memory:Find out in rp

Best memory:Find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His garden


Optional if you want it to be sexual:

Turn ons:same as usual

Turn offs:Same as usual


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