"I'm not Crazy!"

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First name:Nicodemus

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First name:Nicodemus

Last name:Crow



Personality:His personality shifts one moment he seems normal almost sane, to then get angry out of nowhere, at times he can seem very timid, sometimes even childish, while at others he can be sadistic and cruel

Disorders:schizophrenia, tic disorder, psychosis

Friends:Erebus((the name he's given to the voice in his head))

Relations:none he cares to remember

Likes:Art, music, Erebus at times, hurting others sometimes, his stuffed wolf his grandmother gave him, games, steak, people

Dislikes:things that set him off, the asylum, Erebus, people who touch his stuff, being alone, the dark


Looks:medium length messy black hair, heterochromatic one eye is dark green, the other is a dark gray, lean muscular build, 6’4

Backstory:Nicodemus grew up in a pretty wealthy family his life one if ease though there always seemed to be something just a bit off about him. This only growing more apparent as he grew older. He began showing violent tendencies at times and was soon deemed a danger to himself and other's being taken to the asylum where he has remained

Other:when stressed out he will scratch at his arms and sometimes his face, as well as have spasms throughout his body

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