The Clutz

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Name:"Oh? Uh hi… My names Jasper, but you can call me Jaz" Jasper Cayden Linwood

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Name:"Oh? Uh hi… My names Jasper, but you can call me Jaz" Jasper Cayden Linwood

Age:"I'm 26, I've been 26 for awhile now" appears 26 is actually a few hundred years old

Gender/Gender identity:"I'm a guy" Male

Sexuality:"um.. I like uh… Guys" gay

Species:"I'm a human what a silly question" Vampire

Personality:"I've been called a clutz a few times" Jasper is a bit of a clumsy person, he doesn't mean to be he just always has been, even back when he was a human. He can be a bit shy when first meeting a person, though due to being very social, quickly loses that shyness and becomes rather outgoing. He can be a bit impulsive at times and doesn't have a filter usually saying the first thing that comes to mind. He can be a bit bratty at times though that usually just means he wants more attention. He stutters at times especially when nervous and becomes much more clumsy at these points of time

Likes:"I like candy" Jasper likes plenty of things, he likes candy he enjoys most sweet things but candy is by far his favorite. He also likes lighter colors such as neon, his favorite color being neon green. Another thing he likes are videogames and movies. A night in doing either of those is fun to him. He has also always enjoyed working on computers and technology he knows how to fix most issues on a computer or phone. He likes animals especially small ones such as hamsters and rats. He is currently saving up to get himself a pet. Though he's not the biggest fan of going outside, once he is outside he likes to explore and play

Dislikes:"I don't really care for the dark" there really isn't much that Jasper doesn't like, however he doesn't care for the dark. Not because he can't see he actually sees very well in the dark, however dark spaces remind him of a bad memory that he'd rather forget. He also doesn't care for how clumsy he is, especially when he's clumsy in front of others or breaks something. He doesn't like being made fun of and he hates snobby people

Hobbies:"Video games, movies stuff like that" Jasper enjoys many things, he likes playing video games and watching movies, he also likes building things especially computers and other technological items. He also enjoys exploring being a rather curious individual, but when it comes to going outside he needs a bit of coaxing. He enjoys playing games, and he has always enjoyed collecting things

Habits:"I guess I have a habit of overthinking" he overthinks pretty much everything, he also has a habit of spouting out the first thing that comes to mind.

Position:"U-Uh I'm.. Uh… I.." Uke

Occupation:"I work for an office, I'm the bosses assistant"

Do they have children?:"No, I don't think I can, unless I adopt of course"

Family:"Well they've all passed on"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"Nope, any past scars have healed away"

Do they have tattoos?:nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?Nope

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:his eyes darken when he gets upset


Backstory:"I don't really remember much of my human life, its been so long" find out in rp

Weaknesses:"Um not much anymore" his clumsiness

Fears:"I don't want to say" He's afraid of the dark, and he's also afraid of spiders

Worst memory:"Let's not talk about that" find out in rp

Best memory:"I suppose the time I found other vampires, for awhile I was all alone"

One thing they could not live without:Blood


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:"... I… What… Uh.." Ddlb, pet play, biting, rules, punishments, hair pulling, bondage, whatever his Dom likes plus more

Turn offs:The usual plus what his Dom doesn't like


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