Robot Kid

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Name:"huh… Ooh I'm Declan

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Name:"huh… Ooh I'm Declan. That's what Papa calls me" Declan

Age:"I um.. I I'm six" 6 years old, though he was only made a couple years ago

Gender/Gender identity:"I'm a b-boy" he sees himself as a boy

Sexuality:"What's that? I'm gonna ask Papa" not sure

Species:"I'm 'possed to say human" AI Robot

Personality:"I think I'm helpful, a-and um.. Nice" Declan is a shy boy when first meeting someone. He isn't used to socializing yet having spent most of his time with his father when he first came to be. When he gets to know you he's much more outgoing and his curiosity knows no bounds. He tries to be good, though he's easily influenced by others around him, and if he's being completely honest he finds breaking the rules and getting away with it fun. Getting caught not so much. He's rather smart which is great until he's making something to cause trouble. He stutters sometimes, though this is just a nervous tick and once he's settled in he loses it, the only other time he tends to stutter is when he gets overly excited.

Likes:"I like… Papa's lab, bright colors and lots of… Of other stuff" Declan loves being down in his father's lab, it's where he learns a lot about science and also where he was made. He also likes bright colors, he likes how easily they catch your attention. Declan also enjoys movies and TV, for awhile that was how he learned about people and the outside world. He loves toys they're so fun especially the ones that move around and make noises. He also likes stuffed animals they feel so soft and cuddly. He likes causing trouble though only if he doesn't get caught doing so, and he likes hanging out with other kids even if they're not a robot like he is.

Dislikes:"Oh well when Papa's mad or to busy to play. I also don't like clowns" Declan doesn't like when his father gets busy, he's used to being around him all the time and so this new independence, though small, is something he is having to adjust to. He also hates clowns. He accidentally watched a scary movie with them on and before the channel could be changed a scary clown popped onto the screen. Ever since then he's hated clowns. He doesn't care for thunderstorms, they're loud make it to where he can't go outside and sometimes get bad enough to make the power go out. Another thing Declan dislikes is being in trouble and being scolded. Like most kids Declan also doesn't like his vegetables and tries to steer clear of them whenever possible  

Hobbies:"Um… I sometimes help Papa in the lab with projects… And I uh l-like TV" Declan can sometimes be found helping his father in the lab usually doing simple tasks such as handing the man something he needs or reading his notes to him. TV is a favorite pasttime of his and it isn't unoften for the boy to be forced off the TV due to being on it for to long. While videogames are still a new concept to him he finds them very enjoyable. He enjoys playing with other children though he is still learning how to and he loves playing with his toys

Habits:"I stutter… Is that a habit? I only d-do it when I'm nervous" he has a habit of twiddling his thumbs when he knows he's in trouble. He also has a habit of humming while he works

Occupation:"I'm a student now" school

Are they successful?:"mhm very I have all A's" very

Do they have children?:"Nun uh, I'm just a kid myself" nope


Hair color:Same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"Nope, if I get one Papa fixes it and makes it all better" nope

Do they have tattoos?:"I like them lots, Papa says I'm not allowed to get one… But I get to play with the fake ones" nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?:"No I wanted to, but Papa said no again. He said to wait till I'm older." Nope

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:While outwardly he looks mostly human under his skin he has mechanical parts. He also can feel things perfectly fine as though he was human. 


Backstory:"I don't really have one… Papa made me in the lab and I spent some time down there and then one day I gotta come out and then I made friends and…." Not much to tell yet

Weaknesses:"Oh, Papa says I'm to trusting and I shouldn't talk to strangers" Declan is much to trusting and has and will go talk to strangers something he's been told not to do. He also is just a six year old so he's not that fast or strong, though he is faster and stronger then a normal six year old.

Fears:"I-I'm 'fraid of clowns" Declan is afraid of clowns and thunderstorms

Worst memory:"When I got in big big trouble for breaking the TV. I was trying to get more movies for free. I guess thats a no no"

Best memory:"Oh that ones easy, the day I made my first friend, his names John"

One thing they could not live without:His Papa and his fluffy monster toy


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