Adopted by a Monster?

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Name:"Um…. Legend. I'm not sure if I should talk to you" Legend Lorenzo

Age:"Old enough to take care of myself" 10

Gender/Gender identity:"I'm a boy" male

Sexuality:"huh? Like who do I like?" Undecided

Species:"I'm human though sometimes I pretend I'm a superhero or something else" Human

Personality:Legend is a very independent young man despite his age. His parents don't often take care of him and as such he's had to learn to fend for himself. That being said he's still got the maturity of a ten year old, in truth he's probably a bit emotionally stunted. He can be quite stubborn and he doesn't admit to being wrong easily. He's rather curious though he's also wary so when it comes to other people he stays guarded for awhile. Find the rest out in rp

Likes:"I like dinosaurs, they're awesome" Legend loves everything about dinosaurs, he can't get enough of it and he's rather knowledgeable on the subject. He also likes candy and really anything sweet he practically lives off of it. He likes cars too and space. He thinks the idea of alien Dino's is neat. Besides dinosaurs he also likes learning about other prehistoric animals. Like most kids he also likes playing and watching cartoons. Find out the rest in rp

Dislikes:"when mom and dad are home" he doesn't like when his parents are home as they're not really nice to him. He also dislikes thunderstorms and the dark. He doesn't like veggies or pears. He also doesn't care for other kids, he just doesn't seem to know how to get along with them. Find out the rest in rp

Hobbies:He for the most part stays home though he enjoys watching Tv, playing, exploring, and cooking though he's not good at it

Habits:He has a habit of chewing on the inside of his cheek when thinking as well as repeating things he's heard

Occupation:Homeschool but not really

Are they successful?:Yes

Do they have children?:no


Hair color:Same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:A few

Do they have tattoos?:no

Do they have piercings, if so where?:no

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:nope


Backstory:Find out in rp

Weaknesses:He's not the best socially and he's very timid with strangers

Fears:People, Thunderstorms,the dark

Worst memory:Find out in rp

Best memory:find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:a stuffed Dino he calls Atlas

One thing they could not live without:a stuffed Dino he calls Atlas

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