Hero Dom

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Name:"Evil Villain your reign of tyranny is over! How'd that sound? I've always wanted to say something like that

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Name:"Evil Villain your reign of tyranny is over! How'd that sound? I've always wanted to say something like that. Was it a bit cheesy though? Anyways you know my hero name and that's all you're getting bud" Ayden Crosswood. His hero alter ego is Fox

Age:"Strange question? Besides that would be a clue you could use to find my real identity" 29

Gender/Gender identity:"Really are we stooping that low?" Male

Sexuality:"Interested? Well I'm sorry dear but I'm afraid you don't have a chance" Gay

Species:"Well I'm blasting flames at you so… Probably not human" Superhuman

Personality:"Aww you still don't know me after all these years… My feelings" he is an outgoing sarcastic guy. He loves the spotlight and he is one to always go out of his way to help others. He is a very giving person and often can be found both in his normal day to day life as well as his hero alter ego helping at a soup kitchen or an event that goes towards helping in some way. He is confident in who he is and doesn't let people get him down, especially strangers he knows nothing about. He will stick up for people if he sees them being wronged, and ideally he wished he could save everyone and that everyone could get along. Realistically he knows this isn't possible and knows he will need to put down villains and bring them to justice. He isn't one to use lethal force though unless forced to do so.

Likes:"Justice, protecting the weak, being a hero" he loves the spotlight. He's got a charming personality and so usually it isn't hard to be in it. He also loves helping those in need, whether they need a hero or just a normal person. He likes going out for drinks with his friends especially after a successful day of doing hero work.

Dislikes:"You, the things you do. The fact that you prey on the weak '' He hates not being able to save someone, he wants to be able to save everyone even if it's not possible. He doesn't like injustice or the weak being picked on. He dislikes not being able to do hero work. It happens sometimes and he can't stand when it does. He hates if his powers damage anything while he is trying to save and protect

Hobbies:"Hero work, that's all you need to know"   Besides hero work he enjoys doing community service, helping others has always been a calling of his. He also enjoys reading a good book, or watching a good show when he has the time. Find out the rest in rp

Habits:"Nuh uh uh I'd never tell you that" he has a habit of over doing things to the point of utter exhaustion

Position:"That is a personal question you know" Seme

Occupation:"The only job you need to know about is my hero work" he is a hero and he is a ceo of a business in his normal day to day

Do they have children?:"Not yet" nope

Family:"Mom and Dad are still here they're doing well"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"A few. What's with the questions by the way. Seems strange" yes a few on his arms

Do they have tattoos?:"Tattoos aren't the easiest for me to have" nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?Nope

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:Nope


Backstory:Find out in rp

Weaknesses:"I'm not a fool" He tends to not think about himself much instead putting others ahead of himself always

Fears:"What are you trying to gain" he is afraid of failing

Worst memory:find out in rp

Best memory:find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His powers they allow him to help people in a way he wouldn't be able to without them

Powers:Ayden has the ability to manipulate and manifest fire to his will. The more he trains and concentrates on his powers the hotter his flames become. He also has the ability to shift into a flame fox that burns everything in its path. Of course his power has flaws, water is a good way to take out his flames for a time, and when he's in his fox form water tends to hurt him


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:Same as usual

Turn offs:same as usual


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