Resident Evil OC

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Name:"My name? Should I tell you though?" Casen Wolf

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Name:"My name? Should I tell you though?" Casen Wolf


Gender/Gender identity:Male

Sexuality:"You're rather forward that's ok we can discuss it while getting drinks" Gay

Species:"Human, completely and utterly human" 

Personality:Casen is a cocky self confident individual who is rather extroverted. He doesn't have much of a filter and says what's on his mind. He's the type to be a bit impulsive. He's also rather stubborn and has quite the smart mouth. Find out the rest in rp

Likes:"Parties, people, myself" Case enjoys a good party, though don't get him wrong he knows when to call it a night and despite his impulsive ways he is responsible when it comes to work, he enjoys being around other people and conversating, he enjoys learning new things and discovery. Find out the rest in rp

Dislikes:There's not much that Case doesn't like however a few on the list are hangovers. He wishes he could drink without the downside, failure, being wrong, and pears he can't get over the texture. Find out the rest in rp

Hobbies:He enjoys exploring, surfing, watching TV, art, playing games, and collecting bottle caps

Habits:Casen has a habit of overworking. He also has a habit to lie when he feels like it'll help him get out of a situation

Position:"I'm a top" Bottom


Do they have children?:Nope

Family:Doesn't talk about them much


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:A few here and there

Do they have tattoos?:Nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?Nope

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:Nope


Backstory:Find out in rp

Weaknesses:"You trying to get the better of me?" He has the tendency of not taking care of himself

Fears:"I'm not sure why you'd need that information" he's terrified of needles when it comes to himself. Other people no big deal. However he hates getting shots or blood drawn, anything to do with needles when it pertains to him being on the receiving end

Worst memory:find out in rp

Best memory:Find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His work and a stuffed Sabertooth tiger he calls Abe

One thing they could not live without:His work and a stuffed Sabertooth tiger he calls Abe

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Crush:Albert Wesker


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:Same as usual

Turn offs:Same as usual


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