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Name:"So we're talking now?" Enzo Arlo Henrik 

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Name:"So we're talking now?" Enzo Arlo Henrik 

Age:"I'd say I'm in the prime of my life, unlike you old man" 27

Gender/Gender identity:"That's a low blow, you can clearly see I'm a man" Male

Sexuality:"Ooh why do you want to know?" Gay

Species:"I'm awesome so really that's all that matters" demi human with powers

Personality:"Aww you want to get to know me? Too bad you'll be locked up. I'm sure we'd be the best of friends. You know with me kicking your ass and all '' Enzo is a very cocky and smart mouthed individual. He doesn't know when to hold his tongue and typically says what's on his mind. He's cunning and strategic with his plans though sometimes he gets full of himself and flaws are made. He believes in fighting for what's right and the fame isn't that bad either. He loves the spotlight at least when he looks good in it. He's a rather hyper individual, his energy seeming to know no bounds. This works out for him though since he has to fight crime on a frequent basis. He's stubborn and loyal to a fault when he sets his mind to something he sticks with it and when he cares about someone his loyalty is strong. Find out more in rp

Likes:"I like beating you and sending you where you belong" Enzo enjoys fighting crime and putting villains away. He also enjoys being the center of attention when he looks good and adores his fans. He likes playing games especially those that involve activities such as running or moving about. He enjoys making plans and will often listen to others' ideas to help as he can sometimes get too full of himself and make flaws. He loves sweets especially more mellow sweets such as vanilla and caramel

Dislikes:"I hate you villains thinking you can do as you please. I will put a stop to you" he hates criminals and he puts as many away as he possibly can. He also Dislikes being wrong or failing a plan. He can't stand being ignored. It is a big pet peeve of his. He also doesn't like sour things and often avoids them. Find out the rest in rp

Hobbies:"Besides kicking criminal butt? I mean I have a few but I don't see why you'd want to know that" he enjoys playing games, skateboarding, snowboarding during the colder seasons. He also often goes to the arcade spending quarters for hours on end to play. He plays with toys from time to time though he keeps that to himself. Find out the rest in rp

Habits:"Like I'd tell you that. Don't need you knowing anything that will give you the upper hand" he has a habit of Stuttering when he gets nervous so he does his best to not get nervous

Position:"W-What? I mean… In your dreams" Bottom

Occupation:"Really? I mean I'm fighting you right now. Come on" Hero, and to keep up appearances in his day to day life and make ends meet he works a simple office job

Do they have children?:"Thats none of your concern" nope not as of yet

Family:"Again that is information you don't need" he grew up an orphan. He was taken in by a happy couple who happened to be heroes. He learned all he could from them before he went off on his own. He still visits them from time to time


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"Maybe maybe not why's that matter" none yet

Do they have tattoos?:"Again this conversation is becoming quite strange. Can we just go back to fighting?" None

Do they have piercings, if so where?"No you're strange you know that" nope

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:He has ice powers and when he feels a strong emotion the temperature drops around him


Backstory:find out in rp

Weaknesses:"Nice try but I'm not stupid" He gets full of himself and becomes less careful at times. He also has trouble holding still

Fears:"You keep trying, do what you must but I'm going to win" He's afraid of bugs they creep him out, he's terrified of cats he had a bad experience with one when he was a child

Worst memory:find out in rp

Best memory:find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His stuffed animal Lixue

One thing they could not live without:His stuffed animal Lixue

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Turn ons:Same as usual

Turn offs:same as usual


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