"I'm not a wimp!"

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Name:"M-My Name? I mean

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Name:"M-My Name? I mean.. My names Max" Maximilian Gray
Age:"I'm 7 or well I will be soon" 6 almost 7
Gender/Gender identity:"I'm a boy... Are you're eyes ok?" Male
Sexuality:"What's that?" Unsure
Species:"I'm... Human.. Yeah human" Demon
Personality:"I'm cool, confi... Con... Um what's that word again... I'm not a wimp though, I'm tough!" Max tries his best to act tough and brave, often times harboring a bratty attitude. However he's actually quite a crybaby and despite being a demon is rather weak something he hates. When he's nervous he has a tendency of stumbling over his words and lying. Despite his act and despite his actual demeanor he's a very sweet young boy once you get to know him. He is very curious of the world and just wants to make friends. He's not the most confident young man and often times feels the need to act like someone he's not, he also is an attention seeker whether the attention be good or bad
Likes:"I like cars! And fighting! And.. And tough cool big boy stuff!" Max enjoys a number of activities such as playing with his toys. Reading, learning, art, forests, humans, cars, racing, flowers((won't admit it out loud)), animals, TV, games
Dislikes:"I don't like crybabies, crybabies don't deserve nothing" Despite his insistence that he loves fighting he actually doesn't. He also doesn't like being made fun of or seeing others being made fun of since he knows what it's like being the weaker person. He doesn't like when he's overlooked by his parents or the fact that he's looked down upon. Some other things he doesn't like include, veggies, being yelled at, being in trouble, being ignored, people being mean, being small  
Hobbies:"I like to rough house, and ride bikes" he enjoys playing games, puzzles, drawing, singing((in private)), bike riding, exploring, collecting bugs and small animals that he then takes care of and learns about
Habits:"I don't got none" he has a habit of chewing on an pulling his tail as well as becoming defensive quite easily
Occupation:"being cool" he just has homeschooling
Are they successful?:"yup I'm the top of my class" with normal studies such as math and history yes, however with more demon related learning no
Do they have children?:"I'm only seven" nope
Hair color:Same as pic
Eye color:Same as pic
Do they have scars?:"um yeah, but I'm not supposed to talk about it"He's got one on his ear, it's more of a tear that never fully healed
Do they have tattoos?:"I'd be I big trouble if I got one" nope
Do they have piercings, if so where?:"nope I'm to little" none
Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:His eyes are usually Blue, though when he gets upset they turn red, and he has a fluffy demon tail
Backstory:"I don't know... I only been alive seven years and only 'member some of it" Maximilian was born to two very powerful demon lords who had married due to an arrangement. He is their middle child and was born rather early and small. From the get go he was much weaker then his siblings where when they where his age and had many difficulties in his younger life. Disappointed in his development and considering him a runt, Max's parents didn't pay him much attention, unless it was to try and force the boy to become stronger. As he got older another thing became clear as well, the boy didn't share the same mannerisms of most other demons being much more docile, kind, and sensitive adding yet another thing his parents where ashamed of. Growing up like this has caused the boy to become rather self conscious and always trying to prove his worth trying to pretend to be something he's not
Weaknesses:His forgiving nature
Fears:He doesn't like the dark, or angry people
Worst memory:The day his ear got torn((the back story for that will be found out in rp))
Best memory:Finding Twig his pet rat
One thing they could not live without:His little "travel backpack" holds all of his toys, food for twig, snacks for himself, his favorite blanket, and his stuffed animals

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