Child of the Night

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Name:"mmf go away" Jack

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Name:"mmf go away" Jack

Age:"None ya" appears around nine, but since he's a vampire he ages slower than human so is actually around 90

Gender/Gender identity:"I'm walking away now" Male

Sexuality:"I don't want to talk to you" doesn't know yet

Species:"I'm a human, what a stupid question" vampire

Personality:"You're annoying" Jack is a bit of a brat, he doesn't like that many people and let's that fact be known. He can be kind and sweet but that's only to people he cares about. A lot of the reason for his standoffish attitude is because he's rather guarded and doesn't trust easily. He's also a bit of a scrapper and it isn't all that uncommon for him to get into fights. He has a smart mouth on him and sarcasm is like a second language to him. He gets upset rather easily and will talk back to just about anyone no matter if they're older or younger. He can be rather curious at times and thinks he's old enough to take care of himself and make up his own decisions. He's a very self reliant individual mostly because he's had no choice but to be.

Likes:"Ugh stop following me I don't need your help. Stop trying to be my friend" Jack likes many things, he enjoys playing games and exploring new places. He likes the night time a lot since there's less people out and about at night. He also likes blood no matter the source he isn't picky. From animals to people as long as he's fed he's pretty happy. He also likes amusement parks and has even broken into a couple in the past and rode the rides all by himself ((being a vampire has its perks.)) He also enjoys chocolate. It is by far his favorite human food and likes all the different kinds there are, even dark chocolate. He loves art and so coloring and art utensils are definitely up there on his favorite things to get.

Dislikes:"I don't like you so yeah there's that" Jack doesn't like people, that's not to say he hates everyone but as a general rule he doesn't like people. Another thing he dislikes are rules, he doesn't see why he can't do certain things just because he's a kid. He also doesn't like being talked down to or overlooked. He hates artichoke to no end and pork. He doesn't know why but those two foods he can't stand.

Hobbies:"Oh you know… Yeah you thought I was going to answer you but I'm not" Jack enjoys a few things he likes playing games, he also likes hunting and exploring. Another thing he enjoys is making art, he hasn't decided what his favorite form of art is though. He like most kids also enjoys tv

Habits:"Blah blah blah, when do these questions end?" He has a habit of whistling when it gets too quiet, and he also has a habit of losing his temper

Occupation:"I don't know. Really just go away please. There I said please and everything" none currently

Are they successful?:N/A

Do they have children?:"Of course not. Are you dumb?" Nope


Hair color:Same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"not many but a few yeah. You're annoying me" a few on his back and legs

Do they have tattoos?:"no ones gonna give a nine year old a tattoo without a parents consent" nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?:"also no"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:nope


Backstory:"I was born, I lived with my parents. Now I don't, there you go happy?" Find out in rp

Weaknesses:"I'm invincible, can you believe it?" He can't and won't go anywhere near a spider. He also has a short fuse and despite being stronger than most kids his age he's still a kid

Fears:"Oh yes why don't I just tell you everything about myself" he's terrified of spiders and storms. He's also afraid of mimes but won't admit it

Worst memory:"Oh boy so many to tell… That I'm not gonna" find out in rp

Best memory:"Hmm perhaps the time… Oh wait I hardly know you, I don't have to tell you nothing" find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:Blood and his stuffed animal Pepper

One thing they could not live without:Blood and his stuffed animal Pepper

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