Next Gen Fairy Tail

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Name:"Who are you? Why do you want to know?" Atticus Dreyar

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Name:"Who are you? Why do you want to know?" Atticus Dreyar

Age:"I'm old enough to go on missions, even if my parents don't think I am" 10

Gender/Gender identity:"I'm a boy!" Male

Sexuality:"huh?" Not sure yet

Species:"I'm a dragon" human

Personality:"I'm the best there is" Atticus has a bit of a cocky attitude, he likes being the best at anything he does and wants to be noticed. He tries his best to act tough like his father and wants to grow up to be a lightning dragon slayer just like him. He can be a bit selfish at times, though when he cares about someone becomes a bit more giving. He's constantly trying to prove his worth and so it isn't uncommon for him to attempt things he's not ready for. Patience isn't his strong point wanting things done when he wants them to be. Under his crass personality however is a rather sweet kid who is just trying to live up to some big expectations, even if they're mostly self given.

Likes:"I like to win, and go on jobs I wish Mom and Dad would let me take the harder jobs on though" like stated he loves to win. He's highly competitive and loves anything to do with competition as long as he's the one winning of course. He likes spending time with his parent's, and playing games with the other kids in the guild. He also likes listening to stories of the older guild members feats and will listen to them for hours. He likes taking on difficult jobs, though he doesn't get to very often since he usually has to sneak to do those ones

Dislikes:"Not being allowed to do the real jobs, and being in trouble…. Oh and the color pink" Atticus hates to lose more than almost anything and easily gets upset when he does. He also doesn't like the fact that he can't go out and do real jobs because he's still just a kid and can't wait to be old enough to do the real jobs without getting into trouble.he also doesn't like sharing very much unless he cares about the person somewhat, and even then can be stingy. He doesn't like the color pink and while he does like some veggies there's still a long list he doesn't like. 

Hobbies:"Anything to do with competition I'm in" Atticus enjoys competitive games, and things that show that he's the best. He also enjoys swimming, playing, running around, exploring and doing jobs just to name a few.

Habits:"I chatter my teeth… Usually only when I'm anxious though" teeth chattering, tugging at the back of his hair when nervous or lying, being a sore loser

Occupation:"I'm just a kid, I mostly just do lessons and every once in awhile a simple job in town"

Are they successful?:"yup I'm the best" he believes so

Do they have children?:"I'm just a kid myself" nope


Hair color:Same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"Nope"

Do they have tattoos?:"I wish, but I'd be in huge trouble if I ever got a real one or anything other then the fair tail sign" nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?:"I don't think my parents would be too happy with that either. Mom said maybe when I'm a bit older" nope

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:He takes after his mother in appearance mostly, though has some of his fathers features 


Backstory:"There's not really much to tell right now" 

Weaknesses:"Um… Well don't tell anybody but I don't read very well" reading, He's also rather impulsive.

Fears:"I'm not afraid of nothing" the dark and monsters

Worst memory:Find out in rp

Best memory:Find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:his parents

Parents/caretaker:Laxus and Mirijane


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