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Name:"Pfft you know my name loser

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Name:"Pfft you know my name loser. Or are you stupid?" Caleb Lynn

Age:"You're really dumb you know that" 18

Gender/Gender identity:"I'd watch it if I were you, unless you like getting swirlies" male

Sexuality:"Aww why? You don't have a chance anyways" Gay, Closeted

Species:"What nerd? I'm not one of your make believe characters" human

Personality:"You and your stupid questions get lost" Caleb is a very mean spirited individual. He finds enjoyment in others' despair and he messes with those he finds weaker than him all the time. He is a bully through and through, though he mostly is one due to his home life not being the best. He does have a nicer side but only his friends get to see that and even then they don't get to see much about it. He enjoys pulling pranks and doing so in front of a crowd, his pranks always being mean spirited. He is rather self conscious though that isn't something he shows to others. He always wants to be the best and does everything he can to maintain his role as the most popular kid in school.

Likes:"Making your life hell" he enjoys embarrassing people and making himself feel better, he also enjoys pulling pranks often in front of a crowd and he is rather good at planning them. He enjoys skipping school and classes, he's not going to graduate anyways so what's the point. He enjoys bitter and sour foods. He also likes hanging out with his friend and that he's the most popular guy at school. He secretly likes you but doesn't realize that. Find out the rest in rp

Dislikes:"You as a person, can't stand ya" He hates being embarrassed, he also hates being looked down on. He can't stand overly sweet things that hurt his teeth. He doesn't like his parents at all, and he hates the fact that he's failing. Find out the rest in rp

Hobbies:"Messing with you of course dumb dumb" he enjoys pulling pranks, bullying, sports, art, cooking, baking. Find out the rest in rp

Habits:"You're starting to get on my nerves" he has a habit of picking and tearing off old scabs and picking at his cuticles.

Position:"Grrr that's none of your business loser" Bottom sub

Occupation:"Do I look like I work?" School

Do they have children?:"Nah I ain't no father" nope

Family:"My family is the best, my old man is a successful businessman. We're way better off then your family"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:one green one blue

Do they have scars?:None

Do they have tattoos?:None

Do they have piercings, if so where?None

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:None


Backstory:"I'm not gonna sit here and tell you my life story, get lost before I decide to beat you up" find out in rp

Weaknesses:"Ha none you'll ever know, but I know yours" He is very self conscious, his temper

Fears:"I'm not afraid of nothing" being alone when he grows old

Worst memory:find out in rp

Best memory:find out in rp

One thing they could not live without:His go bag when he needs to get out of the house


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:same as usual

Turn offs:same as usual



1.You have been bullied by Caleb for to long, with this new school year starting you decide to get some revenge.

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