Little Monster

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Name:"Hmm? I'm Finn" Finnegan

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Name:"Hmm? I'm Finn" Finnegan

Age:"I don't know, been around awhile" appears to be in his mid to late twenties, is actually centuries old

Gender/Gender identity:"I know I'm human looking enough to see clearly that I'm a guy" Male

Sexuality:"Oh uh, I sort of like people based on personality. Unfortunately most people run" Demisexual

Species:"A monster of some kind" Monster

Personality:"I think I'm nice, let's go play now" For the most part Finnegan is a very nice and caring person, however he can be a little brat when he doesn't get his way. He is also rather destructive and tends to be a messy individual. He's used to doing things his way and so can be rather hard headed. He's very playful and tends to get carried away and due to being a monster he can be a bit rough. He's also rather nippy and bites people at random which can become annoying. He has lots of energy as well and goes from one thing to another rather quickly. He has the tendency to be rather clingy as well, when he likes someone he follows them around like a lost little puppy and doesn't like being away from them. He's rather conniving and is the type to come up with schemes to either pull pranks or get his way.

Likes:"Ooh I like bugs, and slime, and mud…." Finnegan likes bugs quite a bit, he thinks it tickles when they crawl on him. He also likes slime and mud and things of the such which is a bit of a problem since he's a messy individual. He also likes exploring and getting into things and will do so whether or not he's allowed to. He loves toys, though they don't typically last long for him. He also enjoys nature and animals often times venturing out into the woods and playing with the wild fuana

Dislikes:"I don't like veggies they're gross, so is sloppy joes yuck." Finnegan hates any kind of vegetable and avoids eating them at all costs. He also doesn't like baths or shower despite the fact that he needs them and quite often. He also doesn't like not getting his way and will throw a fit or plan a scheme so he gets it. He also doesn't like being in trouble and he hates being yelled at. He also doesn't like prim and proper things being a very informal guy.

Hobbies:"lots of things come on I want to play now" he likes playing and destroying things finding it fun. He also enjoys exploring quite a bit. Cuddling is something he also enjoys doing so movies are a great way to be able to sit and do that. He also loves playing in the mud

Habits:"huh? I don't think I have any. No more questions let's play!" He has a tendency of lowering his ears when he knows he's going to get caught doing something bad. He also has a habit of chewing on his tail or pulling on his ears

Position:"oh! Um… Uh sure I uh…" Uke

Occupation:"I don't have one really. Come on no more questions" none

Do they have children?:"children? No I don't even know if I can" nope

Family:"I've never met them"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"oh yeah I gotta few most from accidental falls" a few spread across his body. Most on his legs or knees

Do they have tattoos?:"Not really"

Do they have piercings, if so where?"Nope"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:nope


Backstory:"I don't know, there's not much interesting to tell"

Weaknesses:"Hmm? I don't want to say. These are boring now" He has a tendency to trust people who show him kindness. He also isn't the best liar

Fears:"I'm afraid of rivers they're scary especially when you get caught in them" he's also afraid of cats

Worst memory:"I have a few, mostly of people running from me"

Best memory:"Playing with other people, or at least getting to talk to people. Doesn't happen often though but they're definitely my favorite memories"

One thing they could not live without:His stuffed wolf


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:the usual

Turn offs:the usual


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