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Name:Edwin Jameson

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Name:Edwin Jameson


Gender/gender identity:Male

•Pronouns:He, Him

•Nicknames:Master, Ed, Eddy ((doesnt like either but close friends call him those from time to time)), Daddy, Sir


Position:Dom, Master, Daddy, Pet Master

Personality:Edwin is a very formal individual when in the public eye, he is more loose and care free at home, though he still retains some formality. He is very strict and stern when it comes to his sub's, though he only wants what's best for them and is very loving towards them when they are behaved. He has a habit of spoiling his sub's, though he makes sure that he doesn't over due it. He can be cold to people he doesn't know, and if he doesn't like you he's sure to make that point clear not one to pretend about how he feels about someone. He is a very confident man and loves teasing his sub loving their blush. He has a sharp tongue at times and will use things he knows to cut deeper into someones emotions, if he does this with his sub he always feels bad afterwards. He's not very patient wanting things done when he expects them to be done and hates waiting for anything

Likes:His Sub, his Job, Fancy meals, Spoiling his sub, cuddling, going out, formal parties, going on vacation, animals, pocket watches((has a collection), reading, writing, art, classical music

Dislikes:Punishing his Sub, when his job gets to hectic, people who don't know how to do their job, when his sub is misbehaving, pop music, paperwork, messes

•Hobbies:Painting, Sculpting, Plays the violin and piano, Reading, Walking through the woods

•Favorite food:Seafood especial Crab legs

Hair color:Same as Pic

Eye color:Same as pic




Body type:Muscular

•Outfit: Typically formal clothing, though he will sometimes wear a simple shirt and jeans, or if he's home and having a lazy day he'll wear sweats

Weaknesses/fears:Pushing away people he cares about. Almost no patience

Occupation:He runs his own Business

Kinks/fetishes:Spanking, biting, hair pulling, hearing his sub beg, being in control, dominating, what his sub likes

Safe word:Rose

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