Next Gen Blue Exorcist

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Name:"Ironically enough my Names Ezekiel, my mom named me and pops wasn't around to protest" Ezekiel Pheles

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Name:"Ironically enough my Names Ezekiel, my mom named me and pops wasn't around to protest" Ezekiel Pheles

Age:"I'm thirteen" 13

Gender/Gender identity:"Uh... I'm a boy... Are you ok?" Male

Sexuality:"I'm not really sure" not sure yet

Species:"I'm human of course what else would I be?" Half Demon

Personality:"I've been called impulsive, a brat, and a devil child... Technically that's true" Ezekiel is a very troublesome kid. He doesn't always regard the people around him and can be a bit short sighted enjoying having fun, even if it's at the expense of others. Of course that's just his outward appearance, he does have a caring side and he would never do something that would cause any true damage to someone. Sure he'll annoy the hell out of someone but he's not a monster. He's a rather curious boy and loves all that earth has to offer. He has an adventurous personality and a rather bold one, something that can get him into more trouble than even his mischievous side

Likes:"hmm? Well I like Candy, having fun, amusement parks stuff like that" Ezekiel enjoys causing mischief and chaos everywhere he goes its just fun to do. Of course he doesn't try and truly hurt anybody though. He also enjoys candy and anything sweet to be honest and will often sneak candy if he's told he can't have it. He likes learning about demons finding them rather fascinating. He likes animals and would really like to have a pet, and he likes his demons form, though doesn't get to be in it all the time.

Dislikes:"Hurting people, and being in trouble" Ezekiel despite being part demon isn't very fond of actually hurting people. He grew up around humans and his mom was human so to him it just didn't sit right. He also dislikes the judgment he gets from humans that know about what he is. he isn't the most fond of being told no and can be rather defiant. He hates it whenever someone tries to say something bad about his mom. He doesn't like pears or dragon fruit the latter being rather bland tasting to him.

Hobbies:"Causing trouble haha" pranks, mischief, tricking people, playing videogames, games, Exploring

Habits:"I don't know... I guess I chew on my tail sometimes" chewing on his rail, rubbing his palms together when anxious

Occupation:"Boring school"

Are they successful?:"I guess... Sorta" he'd be more successful if he actually tried more

Do they have children?:"of course not" nope


Hair color:Same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"I heal rather quickly and not much can really cause me damage like that" nope

Do they have tattoos?:"No not yet anyways" nope

Do they have piercings, if so where?:"Nopity nope"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance:He takes after his mother in appearance, though his demon side is from his father


Backstory:"I grew up with my mom for awhile, I didn't even know my dad at that point. However things happened and now I'm living with my old man" find out in rp

Weaknesses:"I guess holy water, and things of that nature"

Fears:"I'm not afraid of anything, and even if I was why would I tell you" He's very afraid of bees and storms especially blizzards

Worst memory:"I don't want to talk about it" the day his mother passed away

Best memory:"Hmm one time me and Mom went down to a nice little forest and had a picnic. It was one of the last things we did together, it was nice"

One thing they could not live without:his father and he insists he can't live without candy and sweets



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