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Name:"Hi there names Aiden" Aiden Clear

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Name:"Hi there names Aiden" Aiden Clear

Age:"Im 26 years old"

Gender/Gender identity:"Ha, You're kidding right? I'm clearly a guy" Male

Sexuality:"Why so interested?" Gay

Species:"I'm a puppy" Human

Type of pet:Puppy

Personality:"I'm a very energetic good boy" Alden like he said is rather energetic and fun loving. He enjoys being the center of attention and jokes around a lot. He can be a bit aloof at times, but that's only because he's rather excitable and easily distracted. He is a very caring individual and is more then happy to give the shirt off his back if someone else needed it. He hates seeing people sad and tries his best to make people happy. He does have a mischievous streak and enjoys seeing how far he can push things

Likes:"I like squeaky toys and sleeping on the bed, and walks…." Aiden enjoys a number of things, he loves being the center of attention for the most part and loves being around other people. He also enjoys going for walks and spending time with his master. Like he said above he enjoys squeaky toys a lot to the point they sometimes have to be put away because he will squeak them continuously. He loves being mischievous and will do various things to test his Master's patience.

Dislikes:"I don't like the kennel, or cats" Aiden doesn't have much he dislikes but the few he does include being in trouble. Being scolded, he can't stand loud noises they really hurt his ears.he hates having to be locked up in his kennel and he doesn't like real punishments

Hobbies:"ooh ooh walkies and catch" Aiden loves going on walks whether or not he be in pet space. He loves hiking and pretty much anything that is active. He enjoys spending time with his Master and enjoys watching movies

Habits:"I have a chewing problem" Aiden has a chewing habit especially when he's feeling nervous. He also has a habit of jumping the gun and getting to excited about things

Position:"You can come find out" uke

Occupation:"I work in an office, but I'm going to school to become a engineer" office worker

Do they have children?:"Nope"

Family:"Don't really want to talk about them"


Hair color:same as pic

Eye color:Same as pic

Do they have scars?:"um… I don't think that concerns you… Sorry" Quiet a few on his back

Do they have tattoos?:"not yet but I'm saving to get some"

Do they have piercings, if so where? "Nope, thought about getting one of my ears done though"

Anything extra you wish to add about the appearance: nope


Backstory:"I Don't really talk about my past" find out in rp

Weaknesses:"I guess I should probably learn to listen better" Aiden has a tendency to get easily distracted and wonder off. He can also be a bit to trusting

Fears:"I'm fearless" Aiden is terrified of thunderstorms

Worst memory:"let's steer away from that conversation" find out

Best memory:"Meeting master" the day he met you

One thing they could not live without:"My squeaky toys" you and squeaky toys


Optional if you want it to be sexual: 

Turn ons:Petplay, leash and collar, rules, punishments, bondage, praise, some degrading, what his dom likes

Turn offs:gross bodily fluids, feet, anything his dom doesn't like


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